对于托福独立写作来说,考官考察文章的原则是:“Readers should focus on what the examinee does well。”从这里我们可以看出,整个过程不是考察考生表现出的优点过程,这里要求我们需要写出足够的字数。那么我们应该把作文字数控制在多少合适呢?还是字数越多高分呢?
ETS对于托福独立写作的评分标准OG上是这么说的:“An effective response is typically about 300 words long。 If you write fewer than 300 words,you may still receive a top score,but experience has shown that shorter responses typically do not demonstrate the development of ideas needed to earn a score of 5。”这个很明显的让考生看到,一篇的作文,考生是要将文章写到300字以上。当然了,有些文章的字数没有达到300,但依然是满分,这种情况毕竟是少数。对于托福写作满分作文,按照评分标准里的要求是:它肯定是对于考题充分的展开了论述,有利的支持文章的观点,还有就是充足的字数。
这个和综合写作的批改还有点区别,这个可能是评分机制的不同而已。所以大家在写作的时候,首先要写出要求的下降,如果连这个还达不到,那么你的文章一定评不了高分了,再有就是如果时间充裕,你的表达的内容比较丰富,可以尽量的多写,这样是不会被扣分的。除了写作的字数要求之后,考生只要牢记托福写作的要点,要观点明确 ,逻辑清晰,内容表达出来就可以了。
Should high schools require students to wear school uniforms or permit them to decide what to wear to school?
Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two school policies do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
While in most present day high schools it is controversial that whether students should wear uniforms, most elementary schools have adopted uniform policy with wide support. Uniforms serve students benefits in several ways. First of all, uniforms act as social equalizers. Children often feel less social pressure when everyone in the school dresses the same way. Students who can not be fashionable due to limited family finances are made to feel more comfortable among their peers. Moreover, the wearing of uniforms influences students' perceptions of school climate. Students are made to feel as if they are a part of a team by wearing a uniform. School climate is improved considerably because kids perceive that they fit in because they look like everybody else. In addition, school uniforms would assist students and parents in other ways. Students would learn to appreciate the elimination of so many choices when getting dressed for a school day. Students would not be tardy for school as often because of the indecision about what to wear in the mornings. However, when the issue comes to high school situation, further details should be carefully examined. Students in high schools are in a much different situation from students in elementary schools. High school students are sometimes called young adults, by which people are expecting their maturity, at least to some extent. It's moderate that schools are expected to operate a well-disciplined, structured environment that is conducive to learning. But uniform is not the right answer to various difficulties and problems that the high school education is confronting. For example, while proponents address the safety that uniform policy would bring, opponents are aware of the fact that campus violence would not be reduced because of uniforms. Having grown up already, most students no longer feel that uniforms help them become a part of the school. Furthermore, uniforms may not save parents as much money as many people would like to believe. Uniforms do not eliminate the need for clothing needed for outside school. Students many times don't wear their school clothing the rest of the day once they are out of school. Sneakers, jackets, boots, casual clothing, and more will still be needed. What may first appear to be economical may not be accurate in reality. It has been said that a controversy can not exist without a fundamental dispute, and it seems that the answer to the school uniform debate is not a simple yes or no. There is no clear consensus as to the benefits of school uniforms. However, as to high schools, uniform policy should eventually be reconsidered as many other regulations which have already been eliminated including "Boys' hair should not touch collar," or "Girls' skirts must be longer than knees."
Judge people by first impressions: right or wrong?
Some people trust their first impressions about a person's character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person's character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? Support your choice with specific examples.
第一印象的对错可以算是比较经典的一个话题了,无论是写作文还是辩论这个话题都是比较能引发不同观点的,当然从客观角度来说反对第一印象其实比较好写,因为judge by first impression从美式政治正确的角度来说一般都是要被反对的,反对的理由也会相对好找一些。
Some people judge a person's character by first impressions simply because they believe these judgments are, for the most part, correct. Other people are warier about making judgments quickly because they believe their original impressions could be faulty. However, it's a common pattern: if someone makes a good first impression, people will be inclined to believe it, and make a judgment based on that; if the person makes a poor first impression, people will usually hold off judgment until a second or third meeting, to ensure that the original assessment was correct. My personal philosophy for meeting new people is to give them the benefit of the doubt. If someone makes a very good first impression, I am likely to believe that that is his/her character unless, on future encounters, he/she proves it to be otherwise. I believe that this is a fair, beneficial way of making judgments. I do not think there is any reason to be suspicious of someone's character unless he/she has given me a reason to think so. It is even possible that I will make a bad first impression on someone if I am too suspicious of his/her character. However, I also believe it is important to hold off judgment if someone makes a bad first impression. There are a multitude of reasons why someone might be in a bad mood, and therefore make a poor impression. For example, perhaps I am meeting a man who just had something bad happen to him. Perhaps his bag was stolen, and it had some important documents in it. If this happened to me, I would surely be in a bad mood, and not make a good impression on any new people I met. Therefore, I think it is important to wait until a second, or even third meeting before passing judgment.