同样,在GRE阅读中也是一样。虽然官 方说明中明确了GRE阅读不会因为大家的专业背景而造成做题困难,但是事实上,上过我的课的同学都知道:绝对有些题目文科生想骂娘,而另外一些题目理科生想撞墙。这就是因为背景知识的问题,当然这些造成不同专业学生得分不同的题目,大多数考察的都是人类正常逻辑。那为什么大家还做不出来呢?因为中国学生在大学期间是没有逻辑学通识课的,而且中国人也恰恰是非常不讲究逻辑思维的,这样一场考试放在中国人面前显然是为难了咱们。
逻辑是个舶来品,西方公元前五百多年的时候哲学始祖Thales发明了L备考指导US这个单词,亚里士多德更是将其发展成了一门大学问,那时候的中国人还在互相掐架呢。现在的中外理科博士还都是PH. D.,知道哲学中的逻辑在西方多么重要了吗?当然中国古代有个叫公孙龙的,也设计了一些逻辑学的诡辩术,不扯了。
GRE阅读至少是弱化背景知识的,但是大家说正常的人类思维逻辑属不属于背景知识?基于写作逻辑的英文语篇构成模式(formal schema)属不属于背景知识?
二、GRE阅读文章体裁固定,在筛选文章的过程中用一个软件对文章体裁进行严格的限制,只要四类文章,Physical Science (自然科学)、Biol.ical Science(生物科学)、Arts(艺术)、Humanities(人文科学)。GRE文章体裁的固定性为考生的复习框定了范围,在有经验的老师的指导下学生可以减少复习的盲目性,提高复习效率。
三、GRE文章追求最大程度的公平性(fairness)。公平性是这样一家第三方机构生存的基础。因此决定了GRE的文章的客观公正性,文章不可能出现极端的观点,非黑即白的阐释,体现出美国研究生院要求学生具备最基本的批判性思维(critical thinking)的能力要求标准。
Eg1. According to the passage, random failures in automatic control systems are "not merely trivial aberrations" because
(A) Automatic control systems are designed by engineers who have little practical experience in the field
(B) The failures are characteristic of systems designed by engineers relying too heavily on concepts in mathematics
(C) The failures occur too often to be taken lightly
(D) Designers of automatic control systems have too little training in the analysis of mechanical difficulties
(E) Designers of automatic control systems need more help from scientists who have a better understanding of the analytical problems to be solved before such systems can work efficiently
本题在原文中的定位为:Absurd random failures that plague automatic control systems are not merely trivial aberrations; they are a reflection of the chaos that results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in mathematics. 这个句子中间用分号隔开,分号前的部分对应着题干中的问题,分号后即是对前半句的解释,也就是说这个句子本身就是一问一答型,答案就是后半句话,在选择答案时我们只要看哪个选项是对这句话的变形即可。注意这半句话中chaos是一个关键词,that 引导定语从句,而这个定语从句中又有一个关键短语:result in,这个短语是表示结果的,然后看它的宾语是mathematics,而这个名词是不能被替换掉的,直接从五个选项中挑选,只有B说出了mathematics,无疑这就是正确答案了。解答本题时能看出mathematics这一重心之后,根本不需要自己进行任何总结和概括,看出哪个选项是对原句的变形就全部搞定了。我们再仔细看一下B答案,其中rely heavily on代替了原句中的chaos result in,而意义与先前保持一致。
Eg2. According to the passage, certain serious contemporary phot.raphers expressly make which of the following claims about their phot.raphs?
(A)Their phot.raphs could be created by almost anyone who had a camera and the time to devote to the activity.
(B)Their phot.raphs are not examples of art but are examples of the phot.raphers' impartial observation of the world.
(C)Their phot.raphs are important because of their subjects but not because of the responses they evoke in viewers.
(D)Their phot.raphs exhibit the same ageless principles of form and shading that have been used in painting.
(E) Their phot.raphs represent a conscious glorification of the mechanical aspects of twentieth-century life.
本题在原文中的定位为:Serious phot.raphers variously claim to be finding, recording, impartially observing, witnessing events, exploring themselves—anything but making works of art. 注意anything but 是“决不”的意思,B答案就是对这句话的变形,只不过是把原文中所列出的几种形式用examples概括罢了。在这个例子中还要注意的是原句中的anything but注定了其变形应该表示否定,按照这种理解很容易选出正确答案。
Eg3. According to the passage, what did Hargrave and Green do in the laboratory?
(A) They compared the grazing rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory with the natural grazing rates of these species.
(B) They hypothesized about the population density of grazers in natural habitats by using data concerning the population density of grazers in the laboratory.
(C) They estimated the community grazing rates of zooplankton in the laboratory by using data concerning the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton.
(D) They estimated the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton by using data concerning the known population density of phytoplankton.
(E) They estimated the natural community grazing rates of zooplankton by using laboratory data concerning the grazing rates of individual zooplankton species.
本题在原文中的定位为:Studies by Hargrave and Green estimated natural community grazing rates by measuring feeding rates of individual zooplankton species in the laboratory and then computing community grazing rates for field conditions using the known population density of grazers. 原句比较复杂,并且使用and then介绍操作顺序,在理解原句时要分清主要动作和次要动作,而选项中给出的句子都非常短,也就是要对原句进行压缩,找出主要动作。理解了这种变形之后,不难发现正确答案为E。
In the past, only men could become actors in some societies. In the ancient Greece and Rome and the medieval world, it was considered disgraceful for a woman to go on the stage, and this belief persisted until the 17th century, when in Venice it was broken. In the time of William Shakespeare, women's roles were generally played by men or boys.
When an eighteen-year Puritan prohibition of drama was lifted after the English Restoration of 1660, women began to appear on stage in England. Margaret Hughes is credited by some as the first professional actress on the English stage. This prohibition ended during the reign of Charles II in part due to the fact that he enjoyed watching actresses on stage. The first occurrence of the term actress was in 1700 according to the OED and is ascribed to Dryden.
In Japan, men (onnagata) took over the female roles in kabuki theatre when women were banned from performing on stage during the Edo period. This convention has continued to the present. However, some forms of Chinese drama have women playing all the roles.
In modern times, women sometimes play the roles of prepubescent boys. The stage role of Peter Pan, for example, is traditionally played by a woman, as are most principal boys in Britishpantomime. Opera has several "breeches roles" traditionally sung by women, usually mezzo-sopranos. Examples are Hansel in H?nsel und Gretel, Cherubino in The Marriage of Figaro and Octavian in Der Rosenkavalier.
Women in male roles are uncommon in film with the notable exceptions of the films The Year of Living Dangerously and I'm Not There. In the former film Linda Hunt played the pivotal role of Billy Kwan, for which she received the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. In the latter film Cate Blanchett portrayed Jude Quinn, a representation of Bob Dylan in the sixties, for which she was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Women playing men in live theatre is particularly common in presentations of older plays, such as those of Shakespeare, that have large numbers of male characters in roles where the gender no longer matters in modern times.
Having an actor dress as the opposite sex for comic effect is also a long-standing tradition in comic theatre and film. Most of Shakespeare's comedies include instances of overt cross-dressing, such as Francis Flute in A Midsummer Night's Dream. The movie A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum stars Jack Gilford dressing as a young bride. Tony Curtisand Jack Lemmon famously posed as women to escape gangsters in the Billy Wilder film Some Like It Hot. Cross-dressing for comic effect was a frequently used device in most of the thirty Carry On films. Dustin Hoffman and Robin Williams have each appeared in a hit comedy film (Tootsie and Mrs. Doubtfire, respectively) in which they played most scenes dressed as a woman.
Occasionally, the issue is further complicated, for example, by a woman playing a woman acting as a man pretending to be a woman, like Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria, or Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love. In It's Pat: The Movie, film watchers never learn the gender of the andr.ynous main characters Pat and Chris (played by Julia Sweeney and Dave Foley). A few roles in modern films, plays and musicals are played by a member of the opposite sex (rather than a character cross-dressing), such as the character Edna Turnblad in Hairspray—played by Divine in the original film, Harvey Fierstein in the Broadway musical, and John Travolta in the 2007 movie musical. Linda Hunt won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for playing Billy Kwan in The Year of Living Dangerously. Felicity Huffman was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for playing Bree Osbourne (a male-to-female transsexual) in Transamerica.
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