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1、能听懂,会说What day is it today? It’s …。 What do you have on …? We have…。 I like …。 并能在情景中熟练运用。



掌握句型:What day is it today? It's....What do you have on Wednesdays? We have English,science,computer and P.E.I like Wednesdays.学生通过学习,能够自在实际情景中自如运用这些句子。


Let's try部分,内容多,易混淆。应多放录音,正确引导。必要时给出听力原文指导学生进行分句听和分段听。另一难点是能够简单描述一周内的学习和生活情况。


情景教学法,任务教学法 教具 CAI,cards


Step 1 Warm-up(热身)

(1)教师放Start部分的歌谣Let’s chant录音,学生复习巩固有关星期的新单词和课程名称。


A:What day is it today?

B:It's Tuesday.

A:What do you have?

B: We have P.E.class.I like Tuesdays.

Step 2 Presentation(新课呈现)

(1)教师播放Let's try的录音,让学生仔细听,尽量按选出正确的图,并说出先后顺序。听了一遍后,老师可给出重点句型。让学生再听录音,完成听音选图练习后,教师指导学生给出正确答案。如果学生听了两遍后,还不能理解内容,可出示听力原文的同时播声音,让学生听懂后,在不看文字的状态下再听一遍。反复播放录音能强化对新句型的听觉感知。

(2)在此基础上,教师出示本课时Let’s talk对话部分的图片,利用教学VCD或录音带,让学生来看一看、听一听Amy要上什么课程。要求学生在听的过程中做记录,有意识培养他们听的技能。小组或班级评选谁是听力王,对学生听的表现及时评价。


Step 3 Practice (趣味操练)

(1)教师利用转盘教具做游戏,操练第一组句型:What day is it today? It's....然后引导学生依据实际的课程表替换新句型中的关键词,操练第二组句型:What do you have on…? We have....

(2)让学生根据自己的课程表,准备描述一下自己本周学习的情况。可先在小组内或同桌间进行交流。然后在全班宣读。在准备过程中教师要有意识地引导学生说出本部分重点的两组新句型,如:What do you have on Wednesdays? We/I have....交流完毕后,教师不要忘记让大家评选出欢迎的宣读者。

(3)Group work


Step 4 Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

(1)让学生做A Let's talk部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生听Let's talk部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。



Step 5 Conclusion



Unit 2 My week

What day is it today?


What do you have on Wednesdays?

We have English,science,computer and P.E.I like Wednesdays.





Teaching Aims:

1. The students can practice three special sounds.

2. The students like to learn English.

3. The students can listen and find.

Teaching Emphasis:

1.How to practice the special sounds.

2.How to listen to the story and do exercise.

Teaching Difficulty

1. How to practice the special sounds.

2. How to listen and do some exercise.

Teaching process:


Special sounds.

T: Have the children open the books at page78 and look at the pictures of the drum, the flowers and the frog. Have them try to read them.

S: Look at the pictures and try to read them.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen carefully for the difference between the sounds /dr/ /fl/ and /fr/.

S: Listen to the tape carefully and find difference.

T: Play the tape again and have the children read after the tape.

S: Listen and repeat.

T: Have the children try to remember some words. Have the children look at the blackboard and read the other words.

S: Look at the blackboard and read the words after the teacher.


Match the ordinal numbers

T: Have the children open their books at page 32 and look at the prizes and words on top of the page. Have them read the words first.

S: Look at the prizes and read the words.

T: Point to the pictures of the prizes with the race position given and to the ordinal number words. Tell the children that they have to match the words and numbers.

S: Try to match the words and numbers.

T: Explain that people sometimes use the ordinal numbers instead of their names in writing.

S: Listen and think.


Read and label the prizes

T: Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain the five objects are prizes in a competition and they have to read the sentences and then write the ordinal numbers under the corresponding object.

S: Look at the pictures and read the sentences and write the ordinal numbers.

T: Put the children in pairs to read the sentences and label the objects.

S: Read the sentences and label the objects.


Listen and check

T: Have the children look at the pictures on the top of page 33. Explain that the two children in the pictures is talking about things they did yesterday. Have the children say what they think the child in the picture did yesterday.

S: Look at the pictures and guess.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen to the tape carefully.

S: Listen to the tape.

T: Play the tape again and have the children check what the boy did in the pictures.

S: Listen to the tape and check.


Let’s find out

T: Have the children think about the sports that they usually to do.

S: Try to think.

T: Have the children look at the bottom of the page. Have them read the conversation between the two children. Explain that you want them to interview at least three children for sports they did last week, and they need to take notes on the lines provided.

S: Read the conversation and interview three children.

T: When the children finished, ask them to read their notes to the class.


Recite the words.





(1)掌握生词: lay , caterpillar , become .


2. 过程与方法目标











一、 自主式导读

Warming up:

T: Nice to meet you ! Do you like insects ? Which

insect do you know?

Ss: ants, ladybirds, flies, butterflies…

T: Among all the insects, which one is the most beautiful?

S1: Butterflies.

T: Yes , butterflies are one of the most beautiful insect in the world. I have some pictures about butterflies . Do you want to have a look ?

In this lesson we are going to talk about butterflies.

板书课题Module4Unit2 Butterflies(学生齐读课题)


1、我能听所读写单词: lay , caterpillar ,become .


T: Do you known how about a butterfly grows ?Let’s watch a video together !

Ss: Ok !

T: It’s so magical !Do you want to talk about it by yourself ?

Ss: Yes .

T: You shoud rely the teaching outline to learn the text .


Where does a butterfly lay eggs?

How are the eggs?

What do the eggs become?

What do they eat?

What does this big and fat caterpillar make?

What colour is it?

It opens, what comes out? How about it ?

What makes it dry?






T: 在学生合作学习的同时及时给于一定的帮助,引导让学生思维都动起来。



1、Play the tape and tell the students to listen to the tape carefully .

2、Please answer the questions .

3、Read the sentences to introduce the growth of a butterfly..让学生读句子,介绍蝴蝶的生长过程。


1.根据板书重新回顾本课的重点内容:A butterflies lays eggs .The eggs become small caterpillars.

The caterpillar makes a house .It is a cocoon .The cocoon opens . A butterfly comes out.

2.Please study hard you can be a beautiful butterfly one day.






结合本单元主题wild animals我确定了本节课的具体内容,从词汇和课文内容入手,进行引伸和拓展,使学生通过本单元的学习能介绍wild animal,用较通顺、较连贯一段话介绍某种野生动物。从而达到拓展学生的课外知识和综合运用能力的目的。


通过学习jungle,zoo-keeper,peel等新词,以及what do they like? Where does i live? 等句型,理解关于动物的短文,并根据自己的学习情况来描述一个动物。同时渗透爱护自然,保护动物的德育思想。




tape records flash PPT


1. Learn the words : wild, peel, zoo-keeper, jungle,

Learn the sentences: Where does it live? What does it like?

2. Learn to describe a kind of wild animals.

3. Try to stimulate the students’ interests of English.


Try to describe a kind of wild animals more orderly.


tape records flash PPT


I. Pre-task preparations

1、 jungle

2、 play a game: Wild animals Farm animals 5. a rhyme

Watch a viedo T:Can you tell me what is the name of this book? (read:jungle)

Tongue Twister T:The large giraffe is jumping in the jungle.

T :Talk about what animals can you see in the jungle?

S1: We can see pigs.

S2:We can see dogs

T :Talk about what animals can you see

通过观看森林王子的 预告片,更直观的了解 丛林。了解自然。 通过一个游戏,讨论农村动物和野生动物的 区别,引出野生动物的概念。on the farm?

S1: We can see tigers.

S2:We can see pandas.

II. While-task procedures

Passage one .

Passage two

Passage three

1 Listen and answer

T :What colour is the monkey?

S: It is black. T :Is it big or small?

S: It is big

T :What colour is the monkey?

S: It is black.

T :Does it have long arms and long legs?

S: Yes,it does

2 Judge with T or F

1)The monkey doesn’t have long arms or legs.

2) The monkey can climb to the top of the cage.

3) It has a pink face.

4) The monkey can swing on the rope.

通过听力引出第一段, 然后通过短文判断。最后让学生进行讨论,让同学们自己总结出其 他动物的特点。

通过半开放性的问题,进行讨论,让同学们自己总结出饲养员的工作。 通过一首诗歌,让同学 们进一步巩固所学知识,活跃课堂气氛。 进行德育教育,让学生 们知道不能随便喂动 物错误的食品,要爱护 动物,我们是朋友。


5) The monkey is big and brown.

3 look and say

T: Can you say something about other animal?

1)learn: zoo-keeper

2) ask and swer

T:What do the zoo-keepers do for the animals?

T:What animal does this zoo-keeper feed? Does he like the baby monkeys?

T:Can you say something about the zoo-keeper?

3)describe the


Answer the questions T:Read the passage . Then answer the questions.

S1:What do they like?

S2:at don’t they eat?

S3:What is this monkey doing?

S4:How is the monkey now?

S5:Can you feed the monkeys sweets?

Read a poem Eating bananas 'Bananas,' says the monkey, 'Are what I like to eat, And if my hands are busy I can peel them with my feet.'

Mae some notices: Love the animals. Don’t feed them the wrong food. We are friends.

look and say Look at these animals.

They have _______. _________________

They can _________. _________________.

They like _____. They do not eat _____.

We can’t feed them _____.

We can feed them________.

III. Post-task activities

Make an interview(采访)


1.Passage reading: Pandas

2.Choose one animal and write.

Reporter(记者): Good morning, Mr Tang.

Zoo-keeper: Good morning.

Reporter: Can I ask you some questions?

Zoo-keeper:Sure./Of course.

Reporter: What animal do you like?

Are they …? Do they have…?

Can they…? Do they like…?

Where do they live?

通过一段记者与动物 管理员的采访对话,进一步活跃课堂气氛,巩固所学的知识点。



Zoo-keeper: …。

Reporter: Thank you very much.

Zoo-keeper: You’re welcome.

Answer the questions: Where do the pandas live?

What do the pandas live on?

What colour are pandas? What do the pandas like to do?

How do you think of pandas?

There are not many pandas in the world now.

Why? T:Please choose one animal and write.



Teaching Aims:

1. The students can read the story and do some exercise.

2. The students like to learn English.

3. The students can listen and write the words.

Teaching Emphasis:

1.How to read the story.

2.How to listen to the story and do exercise.

Teaching Difficulty

1. How to read the story and do exercise.

2. How to listen and do some exercise.

Teaching process:


Review the story.

T: Have the children try to think the story.

S: Try to think.

T: Tell the story to the student.

S: Listen and think.


Read the story.

T: Have the children open their books at page 34 and look at the pictures. Ask them to predict what is going to happen in this part of the story.

S: Look at the pictures and try to guess.

T: Have the children read the story .

S: Read the story.

T: Have the children read the story with teacher.

S: Read the story together.


Number the pictures.

T: Have the children look at the pictures again and then number the pictures in the order.

S: Read the story again and number the pictures.

T: Have the children find the sentences about the pictures in the text.

S: Find the sentences.


Check the correct answer.

T: Explain to children that the unfinished sentences all relate to this part of the story. All the information they need to complete the sentences is in the text. Have the children read the story and do exercise.

S: Read the story and do exercise.

T: Have the children check the answer in pairs.

S: Correct the answer.


Listen and write the words.

T: Explain to the children that they are going to listen to the story from the chicken’s point of view.

S: Look at the pictures.

T: Play the tape and have the children listen carefully .

S: Listen to the tape carefully.

T: Play the tape again and have the children write the missing words.

S: Listen to the tape and try to do it.

T: Have the children read the story and check the answer.

S: Read the story and correct the answer.


Tell the story to their parents.


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