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托福听力对话类高频场景全盘介绍 详解图书馆里的二三事





(2)美国学校图书馆的基本部门设置和常见设施:如reference room,periodical room等重要部门;






archive 档案

non-fiction 非小说类文学作品

science-fiction 科幻小说

copier 复印机

check out 办理(借、还)手续

renew 续借

overdue 过期

interlibrary service 馆际服务部分名称

information desk n.服务台

delivery/circulation desk借书台

shelf 书架

photocopy room复印室

return area 还书处

students locker 学生存储间

reference section 参考书部

publication 出版物

periodical 期刊

magazine 杂志

book catalogue 图书目录

classified catalogue 分类目录

bibliography 参考书目

title index 书目索引

alphabetic index 按字母顺序排列的索引

circulation desk 借书处

reserved books 馆藏书(只能在图书馆内借阅)

library card 借书证

overdue fine 过期罚金

periodical reading room 期刊阅览室

online journal 在线期刊

video tape 录像带

back issue 过期杂志

current issue 近期杂志




clothing 衣服总称

costume 传统服装;戏服

fabric(textile) 织物;织品

wash-and-wear fabric 免烫织物

suit 一套男(女)服

tie 领带

vest 背心

jacket 茄克衫

cloak 披风;斗篷

T-shirt 短袖圆领汗衫(运动衫)

pants(trousers) 裤子;长裤

overalls 工装裤

jeans 牛仔裤

uniform 制服

leisurewear 家常便服

underwear (undergarment) 内衣

stockings 长统袜

down jacket 羽绒服

sweater 毛衣

gloves 手套

mitten 无指手套

scarf 围巾

sandals 凉鞋

slippers 拖鞋

boots 皮靴

sneakers = gym shoes 运动鞋

running shoes 跑步鞋

jogging shoes 慢跑鞋

tailor 裁缝

clothing store 服装店


formal = spiffy 正式的

casual 休闲的

navy blue 海军蓝的

dark blue 深蓝的

solid orange 纯黄色的

large 大号的

medium 中号的

small 小号的

tight 紧的

loose = baggy 宽松的


ornament(adornment; decoration) 装饰品

accessory 附件;(妇女)装饰品

jewelry 珠宝

necklace 项链

bracelet 手镯

ivory 象牙

pearl 珍珠

brooch 胸针;领针

ring 戒指

earring 耳环

souvenir(reminder, token) 纪念品


makeup(cosmetic) 化妆品

perfume 香水

lipstick 口红

powder 粉

cream 脸油;护肤霜

razor 剃刀

shampoo 洗发剂

spray 喷剂;喷雾剂

polish (指甲、鞋)油

shave 刮胡子(毛发)


wool 羊毛:毛线

cotton 棉制

harsh chemicals 刺激性化学物质

polka dot 带圆点的

striped 带条纹的

plaid 带格子的

solid 纯色的

natural 自然的

pure 纯的


knitting 编结;针织

sewing 缝纫

needlework 针线活

stitch 一针;针脚

seam 线缝


(A) be just the formality ----> (B) be not essential

(A) be on the way (B) ----> pass by (A)

(A) be worse ----> prefer (B) to (A)

(A) cast on sth. to (B) ----> (B) get sth. from (A)

(A) get sth. done ----> someone do for (A)

(A) is far more important ----> should (A) before (B)

(A) ride with (B) ----> (B) give (A) a ride

(A) send (B) to do sth. for (A) ----> (A) can use (B)'s sth. later

(A) tell (B) a day ahead of time what (A) need. ----> (A) request materials a day in advance.

(A) will miss (B) ----> (B) won't be able to go someplace

(A) wouldn't have gone to someplace ----> (B) doubt (A)'d leave for someplace

(course) be cut // double the tuition ----> have financial trouble

(every) once in a while // (every) now and then // every so often ----> sometimes // (only) occasionally

(parking) lot ----> (parking) place

... and ..., too ----> several

~ not ...? // Have/Will/Sure/Is ...? // What if ...? // How/What about ...? ----> suggest // recommend // should // can // may // would like // Please ...

3 quarters of a block ----> not too far

48 hours ----> two days

65 bucks ----> too expensive

a 2-ton trunk's lift off my shoulders ----> She is relieved that

a beach person ----> often to the beach

a certain thing // put up with ----> get used to

a couple of ----> a few // several

a craft person and an artist ----> art and technology

a few days late // out of question ----> must be in time

a few days to think about ----> time to decide

a good change of pace ----> as a diversion

a large size ----> not fit

a large waist ----> gain weight

a later plane ----> another flight

a little forgetful ----> not remember

a little the worse for wear ----> worn-out

a lost cause // have one's heart on sth. ----> not be able to change one's mind

a lot of courage ----> very brave

a lot of time // only every spare time ----> a large amount of time

a million things ----> too much

a million times ----> very well

A six-month membership costs as much as 5 individual months. ----> The membership fee is lower.

a small group ----> several

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