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雅思考试 与填卡相关的那些事儿











考试当天,考官都会反复提醒考生注意正确填写自己的姓名、准考证号、考场代码、考试日期、考试类型(Academic/General training)等信息。


3、雅思阅读部分,忘记将类别栏涂黑或者将General Training涂成了Academic(或者反之),答题结果还有效吗?


一般在阅卷时,阅卷官会被分到全部是Academic类的答题卡,或者全部是General Training的类型(偶尔也会出现同一考官批阅两种试题的情况)。







相信小伙伴们看到这么机智的动作,都会忍不住捂嘴笑了“题目答案写错位置,考官如果还给分,那考试也too easy了?”











毕竟,两面都是一个色,布局比较类似,关键还都是40 items!





然鹅,万一考生没能发现问题,或者没勇气和监考老师沟通,那只能安慰自己"No Zuo No Die",乖乖地准备2000块银子献给雅思官方了!

雅思大作文:human activity has negative effect on animal species

雅思大作文题目:Human activity has negative effect on plant animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything. Some people believe that effective act be taken to improve this solution. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Environmental degradation is a great challenge that we need to overcome in the 21st century. Although many people realize the significance of environmental protection, they hardly take initiative to implement changes. It is important to focus on why this happens and how to improve the situation.

This phenomenon is mainly attributed to the poor publicity and the lack of governmental guidance. For a great number of people, protecting the environment is just a slogan on banners, or even propaganda for officials to gain political advantages. They hardly realize how grave this problem is for mankind, such as how quickly the sea level is rising, or how fast our energy is being depleted. As a result, they do not have the motivation to save water, or drive less to reduce carbon emission.

Besides, governments in some regions fail to establish a mechanism or provide facilities to encourage citizens' environmental-friendly practices. For instance, in many cities, people cannot find garbage cans for recyclable rubbish such as glass bottles or plastic bags. This is actually officially implying that garbage classification is not important, eventually discouraging people from disposing rubbish correctly.

The situation would be improved if proper measures were taken. First, the government and environmental organizations should impress upon the public by providing detailed information of environment degradation. Documentaries and advertisements should be made and broadcast on TV and the internet, telling people that their home will be flooded if they turn a blind eye to global warming, or there is a strong correlation between developing cancer and air pollution. Governments should also encourage low-carbon lifestyle by improving public transportation, and cutting tax for purchasing cars powered by clean energy. These measures will eventually change people's lifestyle, making environment protection deeply rooted in their daily life.

In conclusion, the causes of this phenomenon are mainly at the governmental level, so as long as the authorities attach importance to improving the situation, individual initiative can be promoted effectively.

雅思大作文:children and teenagers are committing more crimes

雅思大作文题目:In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. What are the causes of the phenomenon? How should they be punished?


Youth crime contributes significantly to the increasing crime rate in the modern society. There is no doubt that these young delinquents take their punishment, but I prefer in different ways.

In China with the economy booming, pressure from competition at work and business force parents to work hard, leaving insufficient time to their children. Without enough love from the family, these adolescents tend to do something astounding, sometimes slip beyond control. In addition, the one child policy in my country also contributes to higher crime rate because these little “emperors” are brought up in such a way that some of them are self-centered and tolerant of little. When confronted with difficulties or injustice, they are prone to resort to violence.

When teenagers commit crimes, surely penalty should be given, especially the youth who commit serious crimes such as homicide or rape. No one should be excluded from justice, and justice has to be served. Depriving criminals of their freedom by imprisoning them, no matter how old they are, is the most effective measure to prevent crime and protect the lawful civilians in the society. Violent teenagers are as dangerous as their mature counterparts, hence should be put behind bars until they are no longer a threat to the public security.

On the other hand, most teenager crimes are minor, like vandalism, fighting or theft which does not do serious harm to victims. The immature behave in an illegal but less violent manner mostly for fun, or to show their courage to impress their peers or to attract their busy parents’ eyes. In these cases, they should be given some opportunities to be corrected and eventually come back to the right track rather than being judged as adults who commit crime deliberately with full awareness of the consequences of their conduct. Instead of being jailed, young lawbreakers can be forced to repair the damage to their neighborhood or local community, and offer their sincere apology to the victims or do some community duties such as serving the elderly in local nursing home.

To sum up, I personally reckon that political policy and the utilitarianism of educators should be responsible for today’s increasing juvenile delinquency. I agree with harsh treatment under the circumstances of serious crime, but if the offence is not major, adolescent criminals should be given alternative punishments.


