issue的提纲我大概写了160累都累死。虽然我知道没有必要全写完,而且写到后面都大同小异了,但是我觉得写提纲不能只写中心句,还应该包括怎样展开的思路,和一些经典的例子, 如果自己不会展开的论点是一点意义都没有的。所以我认为写提纲其实是比较痛苦的,尤其是对文思不敏捷的数理科生来说,还是很有必要。
"Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental problems are global in scope and respect no nation's boundaries. Therefore, people are faced with the choice of unity and cooperation on the one hand or disunity and a common tragedy on the other."
Environmental problems will require a joint efferct amoung people to solve, however, environmental problems may not cause people to come together. Should the problems continue for an extended period of time before any effert is made to solve them, they will reach a point of no return no matter how people come together to work on it. When this happens there will be increased shortage in our natural resouses. As supply of our resouces goes down and demand remains the same or goes up there will be increased presure to claim what resouces remain. So instead of people working together to solve the problem, they will be fighting for what's left by the problem.
To solve this, people need to come together before the problem reaches a state of no return. This may be hard to do since the effects of environmental problems are not yet felt by a large degree (if felt at all) by everyone. At this point in time many feel it is not there problem to worry about since it does not immediatly effect them. To remidy this people should become more aware of their current environment. Comments:
This response is seriously flawed. Its strongest feature is a fairly clear position: it agrees with the claim that environmental problems will require cooperation and presents a scenario for what will happen if there is no cooperation -- conflict over diminishing resources. However, the writer offers little support for that position. Threatened "resources" and the "effects of environmental problems" are mentioned but not specified, and the paper provides no examples of how people might "come together" to address the problem or how they might "become more aware of their current environment."
Some of the sentences are worded clearly ("So instead of people working together?"), but others are so flawed by imprecise word choice that the meaning is difficult to understand: "t yet felt by a large degree (if felt at all) by everyone."
Also, run-on sentences (the first sentence, for example) and unclear pronoun references add to the confusion, reinforcing the score of 2.
"Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental problems are global in scope and respect no nation's boundaries. Therefore, people are faced with the choice of unity and cooperation on the one hand or disunity and a common tragedy on the other."
Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental issues are a growing concern in our country today. It is an issue that concerns every person, no one is excluded.
Facing and solving environmental issues calls for unity and cooperation. Prejudices should be put aside in this time of need. Without unity our world as we know it will not exist in twenty-five years. People as a whole need to take action. Without unity and cooperation little will be accomplished.
There are many environmental issues we are facing today. For example, recycling is a simple and effective way to help the environment. If everyone did a small part the results would be enormous. Recycling is a good example because it is something every single person is capable of doing.
There are many ways people of any age, race, or sex can contribute to help the environment. Emissions testing for exhausts on automobiles is one way to help keep unnecessary pollutants from contaminating the air. Very few cities require emissions testing for automobiles. Columbus, for example, does not require emissions testing. My small hometown of Amherst, Ohio does require this test.
I believe the government needs to implement stricter regulations regarding environmental issues and also increase the funding that is allotted for it. Mandatory recycling laws with a stiff penalty for breaking the law is one solution. Funding for groups to do research is imperative. Without research there is very little we would know about anything including diseases and microorganisms.
People of the world need to understand the situation our generation and generations to come are faced with. This understanding needs to come from education. The United States has always been a forerunner in wars, peace talks, etc. It is now time for the United States to be the leader in solutions to environmental concerns. The greatest barrier in any situation is communication. If we communicate with each other and work together instead of apart results would be seen. Education is another great concern, especially in underdeveloped countries and third world nations. There is a lack of education in many of these countries. Education is the key to success.
In summary I would like to emphasize the importance in unity and cooperation on global concerns such as the environment. Also education is very important in making headway. I also believe the government should get more involved in these issues. Comments:
This paper presents and supports an adequate analysis of the issue. After stating the need for cooperation on the environment, the writer proposes several very specific remedies for environmental problems: recycling, emissions testing, research, education, and communication. The detailed description of emissions testing is useful; however, the other remedies (recycling, research, etc.) are not developed fully or persuasively.
In some areas the response suffers from needless repetition. Paragraph six, for example, moves from education to communication and back to education. The conclusion, moreover, adds little, merely repeating earlier statements.
The control of grammar and usage is generally competent, but the sentences tend to be choppy. Although most of the ideas are stated clearly, the relationship between the ideas is not always made clear: "Also education is very important in making headway. I also believe the government should get more involved in these issues."
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