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In some small countries, people are very superstitious, they believe in the supernatural incidents and even some can be explained in the scientific way. Today, the government takes some actions to limit the topic of TV series, so as to educate people not to believe in ghost. Actually, some people are very stubborn to change their attitude towards the long term impression. Though they are superstitious, they know bad guys will be hunted by ghost, so they are not dared to do something bad and follow the rules all the time. Superstitious people have their judgement about justice, because they have their faith. I think it is good for them. If they don’t do the extreme thing, we should not blame them. While for better educate the young generation, scientific ways are advocated. We can change people’s mind from generation to generation.


No one can deny the fact that today the environment is polluted seriously. Though the government has taken some policies to protect the environment, still some businessmen chase the profit by taking the cost of damaging the nature. Many animals are dying out as they lose their homes. Such as the national treasure, panda. The government has put a lot of money to protect them from dying out, and the new born panda babies will be looked after by experts and then release to the nature, in the hope that they won’t disappear in the nature. But the result is not always good, because when they return to the nature, the environment can’t provide enough things for them to live. If the nature loses its balance and there is no way for human beings living with nature harmoniously, then we also will disappear some day.


I always wanted to raise a pet, but my mother refused because I even couldn’t look after myself well. But recently, my mother changed her attitude, she bought me a lovely cat as my birthday gift. I was very happy and promised to keep it well. Since raising this lovely creature, I became patient. When I bathed her, she struggled and tried to run away, then I had to grab it back. The most important thing was to feed food on time and clean the place that the cat lived. Sometimes I felt so dirty to do it, but I had made my promise and couldn’t break my words. I learned a lot from raising a pet. I started to consider my mother’s feelings when I became naughty. I needed to make some changes and be a better girl.


As I live in the south, I never have the chance to see snow. I wish I could witness it once in my life. My wish came true this year, because my parents flied to the north city to spend the holiday. We bought a lot of clothes. When we took off the flight, it was so cold for me, because I never experienced such coldness. The world was white for me. The trees were covered with white snow, and it was amazing. I felt like I was in the story world. But in the house, it was so warm because of the central heating. It was even warmer than the south. The most exciting thing was to play snow. I built snow men with all kinds of shapes. It was so funny. My father and I played in the snow for a long time. It is so unforgettable for me.


Panda is favored by people from all around the world and it is unique in China. These lovely animals are famous for the round shape and black eyes, who live in the southwest part of China. As its peculiarity, it has long been treated as national treasure. The government often sends pandas to other countries as the gift to show friendliness. Panda has been the important ambassador in dealing with the foreign affairs. Panda is very lazy. They sleep for a very long time and they barely move. People love them and they play the joke that you have the panda eyes, which means you don’t get enough sleep. A lot of people come to the tourist sites to witness this national treasure. There are special nurses trained to look after pandas. They like the families as they get along with each other for a long time.


Every people considers Apple as their first choice when they buy a smart phone. If they have not enough money, then they will choose another brand. Nokia was the leader of cellphone market, which seemed to be kicked out many years ago. But as more accidents happened in smart phone nowadays, people start to miss the old Nokia. It is known to all that the quality of Nokia is strong. it is said that even a car can’t destroy it. Indeed, I used to own a Nokia phone, it had the best quality of all my phones. It was out of date when the system needed to upgrade and the young people were in favor of more functions. So young people abandoned Nokia and some old people kept it. Now Nokia has been the memory in people’s mind, like an old and trustworthy friend.


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