The biggest difference between Western and Eastern culture is the flexibility towards change and reform.
West was not always like the West that we know today. They have adapted to newer ways of life faster than Easterns while Easterns adapt to change slowly.
Nationalism is lesser in Western culture. Today’s Westerns have almost nothing similar to the way their ancestors lived. Even compared to 1950s society today’s Western culture is much different. In East they will often bring up their ancestors and their way of lives and traditions which gets in the way of change.
Western culture is centered mostly around freedom. Freedom to do anything. Freedom to choose anything. Freedom to say anything. Because of that freedom people change the way they want and the society, tradition and lifestyle changes fast.
Eastern culture is more conservative and controlling towards people’s actions and their lives, too many taboos, old traditional dogmas which tells them to live in a certain way other people see fit.
Inequality in Eastern culture is higher, it could be based on gender or even age. In some Eastern culture being elder gives people special privileges and elders control everyone’s lives, they have a say on how everyone should live. An elder voice counts, young voices are not taken into account, another reason that hinders their social growth and change.
Western culture has freedom to the point people THINK they can do whatever they want but it is not the case since I lived in the West for the past 15 years and these freedoms can become negative to the point that certain people can be granted so called privileges more so than others. Freedom doesn't exist anywhere. It is all privileges given to us by the elite of this world.
Eastern culture is worse because there is literally less privilege unless you live in Japan or Israel and a few other nations but overall, too much dictatorship exist by religious retards, who want to control people to the point people not only hate the government but the very nation they reside in.
I spent a year living in an international dormitory in China, with students from all over the world. “Birds of a feather flock together”, as they say. Of all the various categorisations that could be made based on the way people formed their groups, the most obvious collections were:
Westerners - (European and American mainly)
East Asians - (Thailand, Korea, Japan, Vietnam)
South Asians - (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan)
Middle-easterners/Arabic - (Iran, Yemen etc)
Slavic/Central Asian - (Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan etc)
People really do gravitate into groups based on ethnic and cultural identity. At that time, I knew more than ever that I was a European. The way I as a Brit acted, thought was entirely in tune with the Europeans I spent time with.
I am definitely European.
Before this experience, I’ll admit I wasn’t hugely aware of this.
As to why most Brits don’t feel European, I suspect it’s because of the rather large stretch of water that separates us from the mainland. So Brits not identifying as European is quite a standard phenomenon, I believe.
Why do the British not feel European?
I am answering the question from a purely personal view. First I regard myself as “English” not British. Secondly I do not feel European as Europe is “abroad”. I have been there, Germany, Austria, France, but not since 1961.
However the question! - Europe is other countries, other languages, other histories Interesting but different. I do not feel any connection with these other countries, and certainly do not feel part of any group or association of other countries.
Living a quiet life in a rural part of England, I do not have much contact with citizens of other countries. I do not dislike them or object to them, they simply do not impact on my life.
It is the same with Europe, I know it’s there, know a reasonable amount about it, but have absolutely no contact with it.
When I studied abroad in the UK, every room came equipped with an electric kettle for making tea.
I foolishly asked the British students, “Why do you need a kettle? Can’t you just make your tea in the microwave?”
Their response:
At least they didn’t kill me.
Never assume that a British person is English.
It will be highly resented by the Scottish, Welsh, and certain Irish people.
And never assume that what English people do is typical of what British people do.
There are over 130 languages spoken in Britain, and the Scottish, Welsh, and Irish have their own languages, apart from that, they sometimes speak English in accents that are indecipherable to most English people.
Also, there are very few English people who speak English in the way it is spoken by News readers, actors, or politicians.
‘Thanks’ or ‘That’s okay’ just after someone says ‘Sorry’ to you.
The correct response is for both of you to say ‘Sorry’ and keep saying it until you’re well out of earshot.
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