另外的雅思阅读题材包含是科学技术类,考察的内容主要是氟化物,植物净水,谷物合成塑料,太空图像以及语音的应用等,关于此类题材有许多的专业术语,有一定背景知识还可以帮助对于文章的整体把握。把这两大类题材除外,动植物与商业管理类题材会紧随其后,占据的比较都是13%。动物类出现的内容一般是动物习性及行为研究,例如澳洲野狗,水獭 (Otters), 塔斯马尼亚虎(Tasmanian Tiger),生物的模仿行为(Copy your neighbor)等。
With the two-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothersapproaching, economists are listing lessons learned. Among them isRichard Berner of Morgan Stanley。
随着雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)崩溃两周年的日子临近,经济学家们纷纷列出了从中吸取的教训。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)经济学家贝尔纳(Richard Berner)就是其中的一位。
Here are his five lessons, drawn from a presentation at recentconference sponsored last month by the Central Bank of Argentina andelaborated on in a note to clients last week:
1. A strong and well-regulated financial system should be the firstline of defense against financial shocks ....he more free-marketoriented we want our economies to be, the more we need officialsupervision and oversight of our financial institutions and markets.That's because truly free-market economies involve a high risk ofbusiness failure, and corresponding high risks to the financialinstitutions and investors that lend to and invest in those businesses.A key lesson from this crisis is that competition among lenders breedsinnovation, but also instability。
2. Aggressive and persistent policy responses are the second line ofdefense ... [F]rom past crises like Japan's lost decade, we learned thatthe persistence of policy support is also critical to facilitatebalance-sheet cleanup, offset the drag on the economy, and preventdeflation ... For market participants, understanding just how persistentpolicy support will be is important; they want central bankers to makea clear distinction between the end of easing, which is now underway,and exit strategies or the beginning of tightening, which lie ahead。
3. Macroprudential supervision and asset prices should both playbigger roles in monetary policy .... There is broad agreement that aglobal focus on systemic risk is needed. There is less agreement onexactly how to define and implement it。
4. Flexible exchange rates enhance the ability of monetary policy to respond to shocks。
5. Global imbalances contributed to the crisis by allowing internalimbalances to grow. ... [R]ecession is helping to rebalance the US andglobal economies and markets. The question now: Will this rebalancingprocess be benign and sustainable for economies and markets, or will itbe disruptive? I worry about the latter because current US policies areexpanding rather than reducing imbalances, and officials elsewhere arelimiting exchange-rate adjustment。
Girls are not easy to comprehend or handle.
While mood swings and unpredictable behaviour are common traits of women, there are a handful who add unreasonable difficulty in managing them. If you are in a relationship with one such woman, then you need to hold your ground and learn how to tactfully handle her and the situation.
1. Don’t compromise
A difficult girlfriend can jeopardise your relationship and also your sense of self. So as to ensure she doesn’t harm your mental health in any way, you must learn to hold your ground and not over compromise.
2. Draw boundaries
Having well defined boundaries will also help in handling the situation. Have a clear sense of what behaviour is acceptable and what is not. If she oversteps, then it falls on you to get her back on track. You can do this in a gentle yet strict manner; you don’t have to get aggressive or violent.
3. Communicate
Maybe she is behaving difficult because she is insecure or she isn’t happy with something in the relationship. If she doesn’t initiate conversation, you should. Ask her what is wrong and why she is behaving the way she is. Communicating and talking over things can help salvage the situation.
4. Patience
Sometimes, what action cannot achieve, patience can. The key to a successful relationship is patience and you must make it a point to practise some.
5. Spiritual guiding
Perhaps what you need to get through a difficult relationship is some spiritual intervention. Seek the blessings and guidance of a higher authority and they might just show you the right path.
6. Seek help
There is no shame in seeking professional help. Go for couple counseling sessions and work through your problems with the assistance of a professional. This might really help save your relationship and will help her understand how she needs to take it down a notch.
7. Ignore/call it off
If the situation gets unreasonable and the girlfriend, too demanding, it is best to ignore the whole thing. If that doesn’t work, then it is time to call it off.
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