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托福阅读提升要点分析, 如何抓考点计划好答题时间?在,今天小编给大家带来了托福阅读提升要点分析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福阅读提升要点分析 如何抓考点计划好答题时间?

托福阅读提升要点一 如何抓住出题考点






托福阅读提升要点二 如何把握好做题时间





1 原文是做题的唯一依据。 请永远牢记这句话。

2 细节题要在原文找到相应的点,可进行适当的推理,但一定要与原文对照,遵循原句主旨.

3 对于理解中本身感觉有点不妥当的地方一定要重视,不可忽略,尤其是这些地方成为考点的时候,一定要理解清楚。

4 指代题中要认清主语:eg. a bottle of water。 简单的一个短句在指代中学会类推:description of behavior。

5 推理源于文中,合理切合主旨。或者只是原句的另一种表达。

6 个人感觉指代尽可能在原句中找,不用参考上下文,但上下文可以用来做检验。

7 与原句意思本身不符的肯定错。所以排除时肯定的先排除,然后不定的再酙酌。

8 概括性题目个人感觉是每段大概有一个主题,把大的主题整在一起就是了。

9 有些时候过于明显的答案可能是错误的,需要找隐藏点的。

10 再次强调一点,尊重原文,答案来自原文,矛盾的肯定为错。


群体的智慧”已变成了一个现代陈词滥调。它也是一种奇怪的说法——那些参加纽伦堡党代会(NurembergRallies,1923至1938年期间纳粹党一年一度的集会——译者注)的人、“雅各宾专政”(Reign of Terror)时期那些在囚车旁欢呼的人,都根本毫无判断力。


许多形容词可能都适用于描述一群聚集在一起、为“亲爱的领袖”金正恩(Kim Jong Un)鼓掌或是为切尔西足球俱乐部(Chelsea Football Club)欢呼的人,但“有判断力”绝非其中之一。任何未参加过这些活动的人都必须问自己一个问题:为何这么多和我们如此相像的人会有那样的表现?他们究竟在想什么?

There is considerable research on the factors that influence the behaviour of crowds. Weexperience a need to affirm group or tribal identities — a fact that is often exploited byunscrupulous or mentally unbalanced leaders. Groups of people with similar opinions reinforceeach other’s positions, encouraging one another to adopt ever moreextreme views. The answerto the question “what were they thinking?” is that, mostly, they were not thinking at all. That isoften the nature of social behaviour.


So how did the phrase “wisdom of crowds” come into being? It is an expression of themathematical property that an average of many independent estimates of the same variablehas a lower expected error than the individual estimates themselves. That was the context ofthe example which James Surowecki used to introduce the idea in his widely read book of thesame name, citing the distinguished mathematician Francis Galton’s observations at an oxweighing competition (actually, Galton was concerned with the median rather than the meanestimate, but let that technical detail pass).

那么,“群体的智慧”这一说法又是如何产生的呢?它表达的其实是一种数学特性,即对同一变量的许多独立判断的平均值比个人自己判断的预期错误率要低。这就是詹姆斯?苏罗维奇(James Surowecki)在他那本广为传阅的同名书《群体的智慧》(wisdom of crowds)中所援引那个例子的背景。苏罗维奇援引的是著名数学家弗朗西斯?高尔顿(Francis Galton)对一场猜测一头公牛重量比赛的观察(实际上,高尔顿关注的是中位数而非平均估值,但这里忽略这一技术细节),从而提出了群体有智慧的观点。

It is entirely rational to adopt the common opinion on a subject about which one knows little; Ibelieve the earth is round because that is the balance of informed opinion, and would amillennium ago have believed it to be flat, for the same reason. But the number of practicalsituations in which this statistical property is useful is severely limited. It is usually better todirect one’s efforts at reducing the error of estimates rather than increasing the number oferroneous estimates. That is why we prefer to entrust the navigation of a plane to a skilledpilot instead of using the average of the opinions of the passengers.


The wisdom of crowds becomes a pathology when the estimates of the members of the crowdcease to be independent of each other, and this is likely when the crowd is large, ill-informed,or both. It is in the nature of a crowd to turn on anyone who dissents from what is already theaverage opinion. This is equally true on the streets of revolutionary Paris, the squares ofPyongyang, and the terraces of Chelsea Football Club.


Or on the trading floor of an investment bank. The supposed wisdom of crowds is used as ajustification for claims of market efficiency, crudely expressed in slogans such as “the marketknows best” and “you can’t buck the market”. At a sophisticated level, the idea provides arationale for a regulatory philosophy that attempts to reproduce the conditions required forthe validity of Galton’s result — the existence of many independent estimates of the samevariable.


So we aim to promote a trading environment characterised by many conflicting assessmentsof the value of a security based on identical — and therefore necessarily limited — informationabout the value of securities. The belief that an aggregate of casual opinions provides a betterprocess of value discovery than a flow of informed judgment through close engagement byinvestors, is an article of faith rather than a matter of empirical evidence.


Galton wrote of the wisdom of crowds. The still more distinguished mathematician IsaacNewton, after losing vast sums investing in the South Sea bubble, wrote more wisely of theirmadness.

高尔顿描写了群体的智慧。一位更著名的数学家艾萨克?牛顿(Isaac Newton)在南海股票泡沫中损失大笔资金之后,更明智地描绘了他们的疯狂。


It is important to speak up, and this sometimesmeans disagreeing with your boss. Getting disagreements on the table make it possible tochallenge a problem and gain alignment – without this, teams can’t move forward in the samedirection. Also, tensions get buried and that eventually creates problems. With marketschanging so fast, and many business models in transition, real debates on strategy, direction,and targets are extremely critical today.


But how do you challenge the boss? Personalities are different so there will always bevariations on how to approach this type of discussion, but I think there are three points thatare essential to every conversation:


1.) Present the facts.Start the conversation with an analytical assessment of how you cameto your conclusion and why your perspective is different. Steer clear of framing your pointsas opinion or emotionally-based.


2.) Think it through.Chart out the risks and benefits of both paths – your recommendationand that of your boss’. Don’t leave room for surprises!


3.) Own what you’re suggesting.Be transparent about what you can deliver, over whattimeframe, and what resources you will need. It’s important to be specific and clear.


The most dangerous elements of disagreeing with your boss are emotionally chargedconversations, lack of clarity on why you disagree, and confusion about the choices on thetable. Don’t get caught in these traps, and your chances of having a productive talk will begreatly enhanced.




1. Celebrations.


My clients and I use the phrase “Pop a cork!” as a cue to stop and celebrate. Why? Becausesharing a toast does two things; it recognizes progress and potential. It says, “Wow,something great happened, and here’s a toast to having more of it!”


That’s the kind of energy we need to keep us moving all year long, so don’t save yourcelebrations for the beginning of 2016, find a reason to pop a cork (real or virtual) at least oncea month.


2. Gratitude.


We’re reminded, during the holidays, of how much we have to be grateful for. Expressinggratitude can be a powerful exercise in business as well. Take stock of all the things you haveto be grateful for in your professional life. All the people you’ve connected with, all theexperience you’ve accumulated, all the clients you’ve served. Guess what you’ve done. You’veinventoried your resources. And you’ve probably uncovered a few that are undeveloped;people you’ve neglected, talents and skills you haven’t leveraged, testimonials you haven’tasked for. Develop those resources, and you’ll have more reasons to say “Pop a cork” and evenmore to be grateful for the next time you take stock.


3. Sending cards.


Right now it’s probably easy to remember the last time you received a physical card, with astamp and a handwritten address. But by March you’ll probably have to think back threemonths to remember how it felt knowing someone took the time to think of you.


If it’s true for you it’s probably true for some people who are important to your business. Theymay be prospects you haven’t worked with yet, referral sources you haven’t talked to for awhile, or even ex-employees who’ve gone on to bigger things but might be your best source oftalent and clients if you keep the relationship fresh. Anyone who showed up on your gratitudeinventory should probably go on your “just because” greeting card list.


4. Giving gifts.


Do you know when you’ll find the most sugar in your dentist’s office? You got it, betweenThanksgiving and New Year’s. That’s because general dentists refer business to dentalspecialists. So every year they get an avalanche of gifts from the practices who have receivedtheir referrals. And, as ironic as it may be, most of those gifts are sweets.


Gifts are sweet any time of year. In fact, they’re even sweeter when they aren’t anticipated, orexpected. You don’t have to give big gifts, it might just mean spending a little extra time with aclient or making a small contribution to a cause you know an employee holds dear. It’s morethan the thought that counts, but it’s the thought that counts the most in building meaningfulrelationships with your referral partners, prospects, employees and friends of the business.


5. Parties.


Not the drink until dawn kind of parties. With the exception of a few industries, those probablywon’t do much for your reputation. But during the holidays we take more time to reconnect,see people we haven’t seen for a while, and hang out with no agenda except catching up orgetting to know each other a little better. Anyone can put together a networking event, the realkey to building business relationships by hosting get-togethers is to let go of the agendas andsimply connect.


6. Reflection.


Each year as we say “goodbye” to the old and “hello” to the new, many of us have made apractice of reflecting on the year past. But in business we usually go straight into analysismode. What a SWOTT analysis of the business won’t tell us is our own strengths,weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends. Yet, the greatest strengths and opportunities,as well as the greatest weaknesses and threats, aren’t going to be found in looking atoperations, or profit margins, or sales funnels or market trends. You’ll only become aware ofthem by looking at leadership. And that begins with you.


7. Resolutions.


Most people have “failed” on their New Year’s resolutions so many times they’ve given up onmaking them. That’s because most people don’t really make sure they have the resolve to dowhat they say they’re going to do. Even more people don’t realize that resolving isn’t a onetimeactivity, it’s a daily practice that becomes easier with repitition. Keep resolving, on New Year’sDay and the 364 days that follow, and you’re likely to find a lot of your problems resolved bythis time next year.



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