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My point is that its central consciousness—its profound understanding of class and gender as shaping influences on people’s lives—owes much to that earlier literary heritage,a heritage that,in general,has not been sufficiently valued by most contemporary literary critics.

=My point/ is/ that its central consciousness/—its profound understanding of class and gender/ as shaping influences/ on people’s lives/—owes much to that earlier literary heritage/,a heritage/ that,in general/,has not been sufficiently valued/ by most contemporary literary critics.




Officials at the Pentagon say the American Defence Secretary Leon Panetta is to remove the ban on women in the military serving in combat. The decision, which is expected to be announced formally on Thursday, makes women available for hundreds of thousands of frontline positions and elite commando jobs, something never before known in the United States military. But Pentagon commanders will still be allowed to make a case for any specific post they think should remain closed to women. 五角大楼官员称美国国防部长帕内特将撤掉禁止妇女参战的禁令。这个决定将于周四正式宣布,这样就为妇女提供数十万个前线职位和精英突击队工作,这在美国部队是前所未有的。 但在决定哪些特别职位适合妇女时,国防部指挥官仍要对此进行说明。

The Supreme Court in Mexico has ruled that a Frenchwoman sentenced to 60 years in prison on kidnapping charges should be set free. The case against Florence Cassez led to a serious diplomatic rift between France and Mexico. Will Grant reports from Mexico City. It was the result which Florence Cassez had been hoping for for seven years since she was first accused of being part of a kidnapping ring in December 2005. Three of five Supreme Court judges ruled there were serious irregularities in the legal process against her and ordered her immediate release from her 60-year prison sentence. Since she was first detained, Florence Cassez has consistently accused the authorities in Mexico of using shaky witness statements against her and of denying her consular assistance. World News from the BBC 一名法国妇女因绑架指控被判60年监禁,墨西哥最高法院裁定应该释放此人。 这起有关弗洛朗丝•卡塞的案子曾使法国和墨西哥发生严重的外交冲突。 Will Grant在墨西哥城报道。 2005年弗洛朗丝•卡塞首次被控参与绑架团伙,自此7年来她一直希望能有今天这个结果。 最高法院的五名法官中有三名法官认定此案的法律程序存在严重违规问题,并下令立即施放被判60年徒刑的卡塞。 自首次被捕以来,弗洛朗丝•卡塞一直指控墨西哥政府使用不可靠的证人证词来指控她,还拒绝给予她领事援助。 BBC世界新闻


Medical officials in Iraq say 21 people were killed in a suicide bombing at a Shia mosque north of the capital Baghdad. Hospital sources told the BBC that 65 others were injured. The bomber detonated his explosives inside the mosque in the town of Tuz Khurmato, a largely Turkmen town south of Kirkuk. A funeral was taking place there at the time of the attack. 伊拉克医官称21人死于首都巴格达北部什叶派清真寺的自杀式爆炸案。 院方告诉BBC有65人受伤, 引爆者将炸弹安放在图兹胡尔马图镇的清真寺内,该镇位于基尔库克南部,是土库曼人聚居地。 袭击发生时那里正举行葬礼。

The judge heading a review of India’s laws against rape and other sex crimes has launched a stinging attack on the way India is governed. The retired Chief Justice JS Verma said a failure to enforce India’s existing laws was at the root of discrimination against women. The review was produced in response to the fatal rape of a student in Delhi last month. 负责重审印度强奸和其他性侵法律的法官严词批评印度的执政方式,退休首席大法官JS Verma说,印度现有法律的有法不依就是妇女歧视现象的根源。 由于上月德里发生学生致命强奸案,印度开始重审此法。

Controversial research is set to resume on artificially creating a new highly contagious form of the H5N1 bird flu virus, which could be spread by humans. Rebecca Morelle reports. With just a few mutations, the H5N1 virus can jump from its current form that’s lethal in birds to one that spreads among humans. But when scientists announced they’d done this in the lab, the news was met with shock. And with concerns over containment, the scientists put their research on hold. One year on though and they are ready to resume. Their labs, they claim, meet the highest safety standards and this work could help to fight the constantly evolving virus. But some researchers warn that while the risk of the pathogen escaping is small, the consequences could be catastrophic. 科学家称将重启对一种新型高传染性H5N1禽流感病毒的研究,这种病毒可以通过人际传播,此举引起广泛争议。 Rebecca Morelle报道。 H5N1病毒经过几次突变就可以从目前对鸟类致命的病毒转变为可人际传播的病毒,此前,科学家宣称将在实验室做这样的突变,这个消息令人们震惊。 考虑到控制问题,科学家们将实验暂停。 一年后他们希望能继续实验, 他们称实验室符合最高的安全标准,该研究能帮助应对这种不断演变的病毒。但有的研究者警告说,虽然病原体逃逸的危险很小,但一旦发生,后果将是灾难性的。


