lesson 20 bob gets an angry call from carol
carol calls bob to tell him that a customer found a hair in her cookie. bob wants carol to forget about this, but carol thinks it's
very serious. she refuses to buy any more cookies from bob.
carol: bob, a lady came into the village market today ranting and raving.
bob: oh yeah? what happened?
carol: she found a blue hair in her chocolate chip cookie!
bob: aha. i can see how she'd be taken aback.
carol: does anybody in your family have blue hair?
bob: as a matter of fact, my son's girlfriend amber has blue hair.
carol: bob, i can't sell your cookies anymore.
bob: aren't you blowing things out of proportion?
carol: the health department would throw the book at me if they found out about this.
bob: couldn't we just sweep this under the rug?
carol: no. this is too serious.
bob: but i was just getting a handle on the cookie business. now what will i do? i don't have any other way of making a living!
carol: my heart goes out to you, bob, but you need to get your act together. i want to sell chocolate chip cookies, not hair cookies!
bob: i guess i just knocked myself out for the past week for nothing.
carol: clearly!
carol calls bob to tell him that a customer found a hair in her cookie. bob wants carol to forget about this, but carol thinks it's
very serious. she refuses to buy any more cookies from bob.
carol: bob, a lady came into the village market today ranting and raving.
bob: oh yeah? what happened?
carol: she found a blue hair in her chocolate chip cookie!
bob: aha. i can see how she'd be taken aback.
carol: does anybody in your family have blue hair?
bob: as a matter of fact, my son's girlfriend amber has blue hair.
carol: bob, i can't sell your cookies anymore.
bob: aren't you blowing things out of proportion?
carol: the health department would throw the book at me if they found out about this.
bob: couldn't we just sweep this under the rug?
carol: no. this is too serious.
bob: but i was just getting a handle on the cookie business. now what will i do? i don't have any other way of making a living!
carol: my heart goes out to you, bob, but you need to get your act together. i want to sell chocolate chip cookies, not hair cookies!
bob: i guess i just knocked myself out for the past week for nothing.
carol: clearly!