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Q: Where are you from?(你来自哪?)

Q: Why are you studying English?(为什么学英语呀?)

Q: Have you visited any English speaking countries?(去过说英语的国家吗?)

Q: Do you play any sports?(你参加什么运动吗?)




Where are you from?


A: I'm from Shanghai in China. (到这不能停) It's the largest city in China.

It's a modern city but with a lot of history and a lovely place to live.


(考试中会有很多这样开头的句子像 'Have you ...', 'Do you ...', 'Is it ...' ,但是给出yes or no之后,应该给出你的理由和解释)

Q: Do you play any sports?


A: No. (到这不能停) I'm not really interested in playing sports. I like watching sport on TV and I really enjoyed keeping up with the Olympics recently.



Q: Why are you preparing for the IELTS exam?


A: Because I need it for my studies. (到这不能停) I've been offered a place at a university in England to study on an MBA but I need to show my level of English is good enough.


第二部分:按话题进行观点陈述 (Long Turn)



Describe a place you have visited that you have fond memories of.(请描述一个你去过并给你留下美好回忆的地方)












'The object I'm going to describe is ....',(我要描述的东西是...)

让你的开头给人一种眼前一亮的感觉:'If I was about to lose everything and could only save one thing it would be my ...', or 'I've got several things that mean a lot to me but the one that really stands out is my ...'(如果说要失去一切,我希望唯一能留下的是.../有很多东西对我来说都是很有意义的,但是最重要的还是...)

第三部分:双向讨论(Two-Way Discussion)



Q: It is sometimes argued that local cultures are being destroyed by tourism. Why do think people might feel this?


Q: What benefits do people get from travelling to other countries?


Q: To what extent are people's buying habits affected by advertising?



1、切勿多次重复使用口头语拖延时间。比方说 'That's a good question.', 'Well, let me think ...'.

2、如Part 1,回答"yes/no"之后举例说明。



"Sorry but could you explain what you mean by ........"(对不起,你能解释一下...) or

"I haven't come across that word/expression before. Could you explain what you mean?"




"Excuse me, I didn't quite catch that. Could you say that again?"


"I'm sorry, but would you mind repeating that?"




2、多用简单句,少用长句。外国人说话通常只求达意并不注重语法。 雅思考试基于实际应用的角度,更加注重语言的人性化,所以,在口语考试的时候学生应该学会多用名词动词,少用形容词副词,多用简单句短句,少用复合句长句。这样不仅可以满足“表达清晰易懂”的评分条件,同时还能满足“语法准确”的要求,可谓一石二鸟之计。当然,中间适当点缀一两句烂熟于胸的经典俚语,效果自然事半功倍。


4、经典五要素法。所谓经典五要素,是 WHO、 WHAT、 WHY、WHERE、HOW。在考试中,遇到课堂对话和场景演讲,要在做笔记的时候将这些要素点记下来,然后在答题的时候将这些要素组织起来,就是一段逻辑性强、主题明确、结构完整的口语答案了。




最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a family member that made you proud

You should say:

where this person is

when this happened

what this person did

and explain why you felt proud


My big brother James has always been the fun sibling. he has also always been the one my parents are most proud of.

He is a doctor and he specialized in near surgery so of course the family is proud of him, so am I. However, none of these things he has achieved are why I am proud of him.

Let me tell you the story of why my big brother is a hero in my eyes. One day we were on our way home from KFC with takeaway for the family. On our way we came across an old woman who was begging for money for food. She had two small children with her.They were dirty and looked like they hadn't eaten in a long time. My brother looked at me and then quietly gave all our food to the little family. When we got home James told our parents he had accidentally dropped the food. My mother was angry and shouted at him for being reckless. He never said anything else. My mother then deduced to make James cook for the whole family since he had lost the food. James never complained. He apologized and cooked.

I realized that my brother has never needed anybody to praise him, he has only ever done what he felt was right. That day I learnt that what makes him so special is that even when nobody can see, he does what is right. I am and will always be proud of him.

最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a family member影响你的家人

You should say:

Who the person is

How long you have known him /her

What qualities this person has

and explain why this person has had such an influence on you.


In my life, there are several persons in my family members who made unmatched contributions to help me go ahead and among them my father’s contribution is unforgettable. He is the person whom I love most in this world and I consider him to be a perfect human being with his uncompromised honesty, bravery and responsibility.

I know my father from the very beginning of my life as he is the person who brought me in this world. From my childhood, he has raised me with his love, affection and mentorship. He taught me about the world, people and values. He helped me on my education and has devoted his life to properly raise me.

My father is an exemplary person who has led an honest life. As a high ranking government officer, he had many chances to pile up the riches but he had always known what the right things to do. The basic of humanity and the importance of education were something he delivered to me. He is now a retired person and leads his serene and peaceful like with contentment and happiness. He was a brave person who never feared the rough power of the society.

As a father, I would say he has done everything humanly possible to raise me and my 3 other siblings. He spent his entire earning for our happiness and necessity while he went through hardship. I learned the true meaning of life and started achieving some of the qualities he has. The person who I am now is mostly because of my father's devotion and dedication. To me, he is an ideal person whom I often mimic and consider as my idle in my life.

Part 3 – Two-way discussion:

Q. What type of people influence the young in your country?

Q. Why it is important to have role models in our life?

Q. Do you think the education system in your country influences young people’s behaviour?

Q. What types of person (parents, teachers, friends etc.) are best to influence young people’s behaviour?

Q. What do you think young people will be most influenced by it the future?

Q. What influences social media like facebook has on young generation in your country?

最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:two people from the same family

You should say:

who these two people are

how much these two people have similar personalities (characters)

how much they look similar

and explain how (how well) the two people get along with each other.


To start with, the two individuals that I’d like to talk about are My mother-in-law and my sister-in-law.

They both love children and do nearly anything they can for a child. They both go out of their way to try to help out family member that they like. They are both faithful to their husbands. They are also both very stubborn when it comes to needing to go to the doctor or hospital... neither of them wants to go.

When I first met them, except for the color of their hair, I almost could not tell them apart. They are both kind of tall and VERY skinny. Their frames are so small and petite. They both have rather thin hair, long faces, and high cheek bones.

Except for the few ways they are alike as far as their personalities, that's where it ends. They don't get along very well at all, mainly because my sister-in-law has an attitude with anyone who tries to give her advice or if she knows she is wrong about something when it is pointed out. They may look very similar and have some of the same personality traits, but the way each carries themselves and portrays their personality is very different, another reason I think they don't get along very well together. Put them in the same room and you'd see polar opposites when trying to be nice and polite to one another.

最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:an invention that changed the world


You should say:

What the invention is

Who invented it

What changes it brought


I would like to pick the 'Light Bulb' as one such invention that has very positively influenced the human race.

This single invention of science has uplifted the human race towards prosperity and the modern world. Think about the world without any lights in the dark and we would have been no different than living in a cave. The great scientist Thomas Edison is credited to invent the light bulb and till then many improvements have been done to it.

The bulb is the main source of illumination and light at night time when the Sun is hiding at the opposite side of the world. We are so habituated with the electricity and light bulbs that we might wonder if it is a life-changing invention or not.

But think about living your life for few days without the bulbs and then you would realise the true importance of this single invention. Some may argue that fuel powered lighting system could have been alternative to it, but the reality is that that would have been too expensive and could not have been an easy source for lighting the houses,

Think about the other living beings other than human; they mostly get back to their living place in the evening and except some nocturnal animals and birds, most of them stay at their living place till the morning.

They rarely do anything at night and that's because they are afraid of the dark and have no vision to see at night. As the human, we could have some lighting system if we did not know how to illuminate the light bulb but that would not have been so widespread without the invention of the light bulb. Scientific inventions are interrelated and one invention or theory inspired and accelerates the invention of other important inventions.

The Light bulb is one such invention that has inspired the invention and research of other inventions. This is the single invention that has made us free from being active only at day time when the sun is there.


Mention 2 famous scientists in your country?

Why should we invest more in research?

What is the single most important invention in your opinion?




No one knows who invented the plow, or exactly when it came to be. It probably developed independently in a number of regions, and there is evidence of its use in prehistoric eras. Prior to the plow, humans were subsistence farmers or hunter/gatherers. Their lives were devoted solely to finding enough food to survive from one season to the next. Growing food added some stability to life, but doing it by hand was labor intensive and took a long time. The plow changed all that.


The wheel made the transportation of goods much faster and more efficient, especially when affixed to horse-drawn chariots and carts. However, if it had been used only for transportation, the wheel wouldn't have been as much of a world-changer as it was. In fact, a lack of quality roads limited its usefulness in this regard for thousands of years.

A wheel can be used for a lot of things other than sticking them on a cart to carry grain, though. Tens of thousands of other inventions require wheels to function, from water wheels that power mills to gears and cogs that allowed even ancient cultures to create complex machines. Cranks and pulleys need wheels to work. A huge amount of modern technology still depends on the wheel, like centrifuges used in chemistry and medical research, electric motors and combustion engines, jet engines, power plants and countless others.


