1. mucus plug是一种能堵住宫颈口的粘液,以避免细菌什么的进入子宫,伤害胎儿,ross说passed the mucus plug,是指产程发动时,mucus plug就会伴随血液流出来,这个过程也叫bloody show,也就是快生了。
2.You don't stop for chunky. Carol她们那么急去医院的路上还去买chunky玩具, ross在埋怨她们.
3. used to have those bumper stick
Bumper sticker (rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. )
A bumper sticker is a message attached to the bumper of vehicle to get attention of others. They can be political or humorous, may or promote a or attack a particular stand on any issue.
(USA) Clinton Gore 96 [democratic party bumper sticker]
(USA) Clinton Gone 96 [republican party bumper sticker] hoho
2.You don't stop for chunky. Carol她们那么急去医院的路上还去买chunky玩具, ross在埋怨她们.
3. used to have those bumper stick
Bumper sticker (rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. )
A bumper sticker is a message attached to the bumper of vehicle to get attention of others. They can be political or humorous, may or promote a or attack a particular stand on any issue.
(USA) Clinton Gore 96 [democratic party bumper sticker]
(USA) Clinton Gone 96 [republican party bumper sticker] hoho
1. mucus plug是一种能堵住宫颈口的粘液,以避免细菌什么的进入子宫,伤害胎儿,ross说passed the mucus plug,是指产程发动时,mucus plug就会伴随血液流出来,这个过程也叫bloody show,也就是。下面小编给大家分享《老友记》口语笔记第1季:23集,希望能帮助到大家。 《老友记》口语笔记第1季:23集文档下载网址链接: