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无论是英文对话还是中文对话都讲究逻辑性,尤其是因果关系,递进或转折等问答都是比较常见的。有不少考生在考官问他们简单的Part1问题(如“Doyou like…?”)时答案都是千篇一律的“Yes,I like it.”或者“No,I don’t like it.”, 考生以为已经回答了考官的问题,然而并没有结束,考官会紧跟着问学生”Why?”,然后考生就会卡壳。这样的情况多了会让考官误以为考生的词汇量单一,并且思维过于简单而且没有逻辑性,结果自然不会给考生的口语打高分。今天我们就来看看解决口语Part1问题的万能结构:TSC结构。

TSC结构的全称是Topic sentence + Supporting details + Conclusion,也就是咱们俗称的“论点+论据+结尾”。

T一般是考生回答问题的第一句话,也叫“点题句子”,如考官的问题是“Doyou like your hometown?”T就可能是”Absolutelyyes”或者“No,not really”(具体看考生的喜恶程度)。

S是紧跟着T的第二或三四句话,可以是T的拓展或原因,一般是沿着T的方向再多说几句话。以刚刚的Hometown为例,如果T是肯定回答“喜欢”,那么S就可以是喜欢的理由,如“Ilike my hometown mainly because of the climate. You know, the weather is reallycomfortable all year round…”。相反,如果T是否定回答“不喜欢”,那么S一般就是不喜欢的原因了,可以是“Airquality in my hometown is not so ideal, there is haze/smog in autumn or winterso it’s easy to cause breathing problem…”。

C顾名思义就是结尾,代表回答完毕,一般是跟T保持统一,如果T是“Yes, I like it.”那么C一定是“That’swhy I like it.”同理,如果T是否定回答,那么C也一定是“That’swhy I don’t like it.”。注意在口语Part1答案中C经常被省略,因为Part1形式比较casual,没有非常严格的格式。下面就让我们来看几个关于TSC的典型例子。


Do you like reading?


(T)No, I don’t likereading.(S) I do not have thepatience. For example, I have never been able to read a book from start tofinish. Maybe the books I have tried were not interesting enough. (C)So I am not intoreading.


(T)Yes. I likereading very much. (S)Firstly, I believethat all of us should read a lot. For example, when you read you acquire newknowledge, which in turn will broaden your views on important matters. (S)In addition I alsolike reading ‘Crazy English’。The topics areinteresting and short, and the translations ensure that I don’t waste timelooking up unfamiliar words.


首先是T, 因为是点题句子,所以T的句型取决于考官问什么类型的问题,我们把考官常问的问题归类为两种模式,如Yes/No题型(一般是以“Doyou like…?”方式提问)和5W+How题型(W分别是when,where,who,what,why)。从大方向看,大家回答“Doyou like…?”题型时的第一个单词不外乎是Yes或者No(所以才叫“Yes/No”题型),除了这两个单词以外,大家也可以找一些替换词开头,如:



You bet.

No doubt about it.

That’s for sure.

Certainly/Absolutely/Definitely yes/no.


Not necessarily.

这样变着法儿的开头就避免了答案单一了。另外除了直白的表示“Yes”或“No”以外,“Doyou like…”题型的T还可以是下面几种表达:

…is my biggest passion in life.

I’m fascinated by…

I’m crazy about…

I adore…

I love…

I’m into…

I kind of like…


Well, there are a variety of reasons.

There are several reasons.

There could be a couple of reasons.

但是如果考官问的是“How do you like…?How doyou feel about…?”这样的题型,那T的句型可以是:

I loathe…

I can’t stand…

I hate…

It’s a drag.

…is not my cup of tea.

I dislike…

I don’t care for…

I’m not keen on…


I…all the time.

I…almost every day.

I often…

I…once in a while.

I don’t …very often.

I rarely…

I hardly ever…

I never…


First of all…

To begin/start with…

The first thing I should mention is…

For starts/for openers.





What’s more…

Another point I could add is…

In addition to that,…

As well as that,…

Most importantly,…

On top of that,…

By the way,…

…, too.

…as well.


In short,…

All in all,…

That’s pretty much it.

That’s all I can think of now.



1.What kinds of teachers do you like best?

I think the most important thing for me is that a good teacher needs to be enthusiastic about their subject. I’ve been lucky enough to have met lots of good teachers over the years but the ones who really stand out are the ones who managed to engage my interest in what I was learning.

2.What was your favorite teacher when you were young?

My favourite teacher when I was younger was my primary school teacher, Mrs Chen. It was a strange situation because Mrs Chen was also my next-door neighbour. I just remember being really happy while I was in her class. She used to read us wonderful stories and she was also a music teacher, so that’s where my love of music began.

3.Would you want to be a teacher in the future?

No, I don’t think so. Even though I enjoy helping people, I don’t think I could cope with the responsibility of being a teacher. I’m not very patient, either, which I think is another key quality of an effective teacher.

4.Have you ever had bad teachers before?

Yes! One teacher springs to mind immediately! Mr. Wu, who was my physics teacher when I was about fifteen years old. He was a terrible teacher. I never felt as if he knew much more than I did about the subject and I don’t think he had much experience. The worst thing about his classes was the lack of discipline. He had absolutely no idea how to manage a group of rowdy teenagers so most of the class was taken up with trying to get the class under control.

雅思口语part1范文:Newspaper and magazine

1.Do you often read newspapers?

No, not really. I read free community newspapers when I happen to find one on the bus, but that’s about it. I get my news from the internet these days.

2.Do you prefer to read local news or international news?

I like to find out what’s going on in my local community – that’s the reason I’ll pick up a local paper if I happen to see one. Even though the local news is likely to be quite mundane, the fact that it’s about familiar people and places makes it interesting to readers who share the same background. International news is often more dramatic but it’s often quite removed from my day-to-day life. Also, almost all the international news we hear these days is negative.

3.Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines?

Well, I can’t speak for everyone, but I don’t think many people buy newspapers these days. I would guess that magazines are more popular, although I have to say that I very rarely buy one.

4.In the future, do you think more people than today will read magazines or few people?

I expect that the number of people reading newspapers and magazines will continue to fall in the future, as more and more people make use of the internet instead. At the moment, I don’t think many young people read newspapers and magazines – it’s mostly older people, who haven’t adapted to using the internet and prefer to stick to what they’re used to.

5.Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?

No, I doubt it very much. Although there are positives, as printing daily newspapers must have involved the use of a huge amount of paper, I used to really like buying the paper on a Sunday. It was very thick, with lots of different sections on fashion, how to renovate your home, recipes or sport - and it took the whole week for our family to work our way through it. I never do crosswords anymore, either, which is a shame.


1.How often do you eat chocolate?

Chocolate is really yummy! I eat one chocolate bar every two days. I also know that eating chocolate regularly can even improve health and lower the risk of heart disease.

2.What’s your favorite flavor?

I prefer milk chocolate – perhaps with sultanas and nuts. Dark chocolate is a bit bitter for me, although I think it’s supposed to be better for your health-wise. I like dark chocolate flavoured with orange.

3.Is chocolate expensive in China?

Chocolate has become much more popular in China in recent years. You can buy locally-made chocolate, which is cheaper, but if you buy international brands it’s quite expensive.

4.When was the first time you ate chocolate?

I can’t remember when my chocolate obsession began, although my mum is a big chocolate fan, so I imagine she introduced me to chocolate at an early age! Animalshaped chocolate biscuits used to be my favourite choice as a child.

5.Is chocolate popular in China?

Chinese people eat far less chocolate than Europeans, for example, but it is rapidly becoming more popular. In the last ten years, foreign chocolate has really caught on and these days it’s widely available. Many people would prefer to pay more for better quality chocolate.


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