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其实这一点并没有很难,简单来说,首先,语法方面保证三点不能有过多的错误,如时态,人称,还有就是单复数搭配。这些对于考试来讲是再基础不过的了,我们要在这些小细节上面做到熟练不出错,才能保证成绩。练习方法其实也不是很难,将自己每天背诵的单词进行造句练习,简单句即可。比如,单词establish有“建立,成立”的含义,那么我们便可以造句,my uncle established the company two years ago. 句子简单,而且还能练习我们的时态,当然我们还可以进行self-talk, 比如I’m living in a house which was established by my grandfather, it’s huge and cozy, I’d love to live there.等等,其实我们可以经常这样自己做一些练习。当然可以进行录音,方便自己回听的时候挑出自己的错误,这样的练习将非常有效。





没错,我已经很直白的将内容告诉大家了,每周至少听一次TED, 因为每次演讲时间不会太长,我们的压力不会过大,而且里面的lecture比较能锻炼我们听内容时抓结构的能力,让我们之后复述能更加清晰地来进行练习。这样的练习对于我们T4-6也会有所帮助。建议把一篇lecture反复来练习,前几遍主要去听抓结构,后面进行复述练习效果更好。



Describe the event that disappointed you and how you reacted to it.


Well, frankly, people get disappointed since we all have expectation for our friends. I usually use my emotional intelligence to analyze the situation, and solve the conflict accordingly. For example, I once argued about which movie to watch with my friend, and I wanted to watch action movie, however, my friend preferred comedy. After that, I get angry and really disappointed, but later, I realized the real cause of my anger was not about which movie to watch, and the real cause was that I have lots assignment due next week, and I couldn't stand that pressure, so I apologized to my friend, and we are still friends now


It’s when I was in my childhood when I lived with my Grandma and one of my cousins called Kang. We were like a pair of shoe. We go everywhere together before I turned 16. One day we had an argument about who to get in to house from the tiny gap in between the front door since that our grandma was out in the center of the town playing card games and we were looking for extra glass balls to play with our friends. I was persuades by him to do the task which turned to be an extremely difficult thing to do. I freaked out when stuck in the gap. And we were scolded by doing that. I was treating him as a big brother and was disappointed by him that he chose me to do this and though it seems stupid to keep that in mind.


Well I would like to talk about one experience happened last week. My friend Daniel invited me to dinner together in a new restaurant. After we sat down, he kept answering phone calls and was busy sending numerous text messages for like 40 minute. I felt irritated, sitting there like an idiot! So I told him how I felt, totally ignored, disrespected and belittled. He apologized to me and said there were some emergent situations popping up in his company. He was obviously distracted and absent-minded. We finished our dinner in silence; that was a really unpleasant memory.


Talking about a disappointing experience, one gloomy story came to my mind. It was in my junior school years. You know, I finished my primary school in Beijing, and continued my study back in my hometown, Inner Mongolia, which locates in northern China. I have always felt lucky to have 4 besties by then. But it was not until graduation did I find out one of these friends had never stopped speaking ill of me! She would call me a “city slicker” and managed to keep my other friends from getting too close to me. Surely, I felt really upset when I found out about this back-stabbing, but I told myself it was not up to me to decide what people can tell. So I never tried to explain.


Do you like the primary school you attended. Use examples and details to support your explanation.




I was six when I started attending school. I was curious about everything, eager to learn. It was quite different from kindergarten,courses began and teachers were serious. It took me some time settling in but basically it was all fun and I never cried like many other kids did especially on Monday mornings. I enjoyed Chinese class the most, the teacher would encourage us to act out the stories we’ve learned. It was a good experience of learning and also making friends. Because you see we had to cooperate and rehearse,it was more of a game for us rather than just words and textbooks.



I wassix when I started attending school. I was curious about everything, eager to learn.It was quite different from kindergarten,courses began and teachers wereserious. It took me some time settling in but basically it was all fun and Inever cried like many other kids did especially on Monday mornings. I enjoyedChinese class the most, the teacher would encourage us to act out the storieswe’ve learned. It was a good experience of learning and also making friends.Because you see we had to cooperate and rehearse,it was more of a game for usrather than just words and textbooks.


Well, I like my primary school a lot, and I had a lot of precious memory there. Actually, it was a pretty small school, and the students were from the same neighborhood. Our parents knew each other very well, and everybody knows everybody else. I had a strong sense of belonging to the school, and we were very emotionally bonded with each other. Teachers there were very attentive to the students, they were more than just teachers, they were like friends. Since the atmosphere was easygoing and friendly, the student were willing to attend class discussion, and we all enjoyed going to school.


