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雅思考试 国内考生会犯哪些口语错误


1.有些同学在讲英文时由于紧张或者思维中断会出现表达停顿或是说“那个”等中文语病的习惯。对策:大量补充合理拖延时间的英语表达方法,如:How shall I put it? I think...That"s difficult to say,I guess...等,雅思考试口语指南中有专项讨论这个问题,其中收集的语句就很有效。在口语表达过程中一出现停顿就可以将这些表达方式灵活使用。

2.大部分中国同学在考雅思口语时都有回答过于简洁的毛病。Are you still a student?Yes,I am.Where do you study? I study in Tianjin University. Which major do you do?I"m in Computer Science Department.Which year are you in? I am in the third year.


符合雅思要求的答案应该是在第一个问题问出的时候就直回 答:yes,IaminthethirdyearinComputerScienceDepartment,TianjinUniversity.不仅简 洁而且信息详细,这样就避免了考官在进一步问更多问题。雅思口语考试的所有问题是预先设计的,所以考生在考前准备时也应该对常见问题做出答案,而不是真的 两手空空去考试,完全看现场的发挥。所以从这个意义上说,雅思口语考查并不完全是考生的真正口语水平,而是考前的准备工作。而且准备答案时要注意做到信息 含量大而结构简洁。切记回答过于复杂冗长。


举个简单的例子,如果你习惯说I like red flowers and green trees,那么现在就要改成I like flowers which are red and trees which are green.值得一提的是,这里并不是建议大家教条地把所有的有定语修饰的句子都改装,只不过提醒大家注意英文的表达习惯,意识到在你的英语口语中应该有 大量定语从句的存在,这样才能使你的口语向更为完善、地道的方向迈进!

4.不习惯说反话。用含有否定词的句子表示肯定的含义和不含否定词的表达否定是英语口语表达的一大特点。在雅思口语考试的准备过程中应该多补充类似的 常用语句。比如:当你同意某人的观点时,通常会说yes或者Iagree。不妨使用一下I couldn"t agree with you more,既增加了肯定的语气,又丰富了口语表达的含量。相反,如果你要表示不喜欢某物,则可以用sth is the last one I consider.


68. Do you have a hobby? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I’m interested in stamp collecting. I have been collecting stamps for two years. I regularly spend time on my collection, about two hours every week. This is mainly over weekends, as I do nothave time during the week.

69. Why have you chosen this hobby? ( 5 - 6 )

Stamps provide rich knowledge. For example, the stamps from other countries often tell something about the countries and their people.

69. Why have you chosen this hobby? ( 7 - 8 )

The hobby provides fun as well as knowledge. First of all, when you collect stamps, you are able to learn more about the world, and you will not be bored easily. What I mean to say is that you can get stamps from every country in the world, and the stamps from other countries often tell something about the countries and their people. Another reason is that you are able to meet new friends through your hobby. If you have a common interest with someone else, then you can discuss your collections together for many hours and it’s easy for both of you to become friends. One more thing, the hobby will teach you some self-discipline and how to be very systematic. That is to say, you have to arrange your collections regularly, which cultivates your habit of being systematic.

70. What are good hobbies, and what are bad hobbies? ( 5 - 8 )

In my opinion, good hobbies are those that give you the opportunity to develop a new skill. For example, collecting stamps teaches you how to be systematic. Bad hobbies, on the other hand, may makeyou lose the opportunity. For example, TV and computer games will waste a lot of your time, so you don’t have time and energy to do develop other skills.


64. Do you like reading? ( 5 - 6 )

No, I don’t like it. I don’t have the patience. I have never been able to read a book from start to finish. Maybe the books I have tried were not interesting enough.

64. Do you like reading? ( 7 - 8 )

Yes, I like it very much. I believe that all of us should read a lot. When you read, you acquire new knowledge, which in turn will broaden your views on important issues. I prefer magazines like ‘Crazy English’. The topics in it are interesting and the essays are short. Besides, it contains translations which ensure that I don’t have to waste time looking up unfamiliar words.

65. What kinds of books do you like best? ( 5 - 6 )

I like cartoons. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I believe cartoons are a special form of art. For example, the Japanese cartoons that are common in China, have excellent illustrations.

65. What kinds of books do you like best? ( 7 - 8 )

I like novels. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I like to read a storyline that is full of intrigue and suspense. For example, many love stories have characters who are involved in all sorts of conflicts amongst them. The most common one known all over the world since ancient times is the so-called ‘love triangle’.

66. Describe a book that you have read recently. ( 5 - 6 )

I have read a book about the life of Michael Jordan. I am sorry, but I have forgotten the name of the book. I also like to read Japanese cartoons.

66. Describe a book that you have read recently. ( 7 - 8 )

I have recently read a book about the history of South Africa. It is called ‘ The Covenant’, and was written by a famous American author called James Mitchener. It describes the history from the very first days, up to the present. It covers all aspects of the country, but focuses on the people of the country. For example, he looks at the political situation over the past fifty years, which was based on racial discrimination and had become known to the world as ‘apartheid’.

67. Do you often read newspapers? ( 5 - 6 )

No, I never read newspaper. I watch TV if I want to know what is happening in China and the world. It takes too much time to read newspapers. For example, the news on TV is short and to the point, and that’s all I want to know.

67. Do you often read the newspapers? ( 7 - 8 )

No. I have used the Internet these days to know what’s happening in China and the world. Websites like CNN contain all the latest news on world events. Besides, I like to read about stories in depth, and this I cannot find in newspapers. One more thing that newspaper are lack of is the history behind a story. By the Internet I can do some research right away, and thus gain a broader perspective on the subject at hand.


Describe a kind of book you like. You should say:

What kind of books you like most.

What they are about.

Why you like them most.

What effects books brought on you?

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.

1. a) Because I like reading widely, it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of book. I am sure you can appreciate my dilemma.

b) Anyway, I have always enjoyed reading autobiographies.

2. a) An autobiography is a book, which a person has written about his or her life.

b) For example, famous people write about their experiences throughout life.

There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about autobiographies. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.

3. a) Firstly, I have been able to learn valuable lessons from the lives of others.

b) For example, the determination shown by people like Newton and Nobel has inspired me to persist with my studies.

4. a) Autobiographies can be very interesting and revealing.

b) In the case of politicians, for example, we often find that they explain the reasons for actions that they took while in office.

5. So it is clear that I will keep or reading autobiographies in future.


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