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雅思口语考试是从考官打开录音笔的那一刻开始的,在你进门坐下check ID的时候,考官的心里就已经开始给你打分了。可能你白美or高帅,刚好遇到一个看颜值的考官,可惜当你说出带着浓浓地方口音(当然不是伦敦音)还结巴的英文递上你的ID给考官时,你的分数已经从5开始计算了。又或许你是屌丝级别的高能烤鸭,即便带着乡土气息却发音标准礼貌配合,OK,运气爆棚的印象分让你的口语基础分从6开始。

因此,关于雅思口语考试,各位烤鸭们,不要以为ID check这个部分不关考试的事情,考官在“走程序”的20-30秒问出那几个标准问题时,已经在心里默默给你打分了。因此希望各位都来好好学习,如何从一进门就勇敢做一个“心机女表“,快速获取考官好感,利用考前的ID Check过程来提高你的口语基础分!


“Good morning/ good afternoon. My name's John. Can you tell me your full name, please?"


(1)不要说“Good morning, Mr. John。”

因为Mr., Miss, Mrs. and Ms。只是用在姓氏之前。而考官告诉你的通常只有名没有姓。比较合适的回答是:“Good morning, John. My name is Yang Yiming.”


(3)不要调整名字顺序,以为说成“Yiming, Yang”比较洋气,按照正常的中文发音顺序说你的名字就可以了。

(4)有童鞋很着急表现一下:“My name is Yang Yiming but you can call me Robert。”是的,不用说你的英文名,因为接下来的问题就是问你英文名。回答了效果可能会适得其反,让考官会有种你准备启动口语模板的赶脚。。。

(5)不要说“Yang is my family name and Yiming is my given name。”灰常特别尤其十分的很啰嗦,请直接简单粗暴说出你的名字好吗。


“What can I call you?”




(3)不要说“You may call me Robert。”因为“may”这个情态动词一般表示允许的意思,感觉是上级在跟下级说话。可以说:“Please call me Robert。”或是 “ You can call me Robert。”

(4)更不要说神马“All my friends call me Robert”,这个答案听上去很像你复习时口语书上的模板,考官已经听过好多同款模板啦。


“Can you tell me where you're from?”


(1)这个问题实际上等同于“Please tell me where you’re from。”所以不要用“yes”开头,然后再说来自哪儿。

(2)只说你来自哪个省或是哪个市都不完整,正确的回答应该是两方面信息都涵盖,如:“I’m from Changsha, Hunan Province。”

(3)千万不要说:“Icamefrom Changsha, Hunan Province。”这里需要用一般现在时态,而不是过去时态,所以发音一定要注意:come不要发成came。

(4)不要多此一举:“I come from Changsha, which belongs to Hunan Province. ” belong to这个短语用在这里本来就是错误的表达。


“Could I see your identification, please?”



(2)如果确实要在出示准考证的时候说什么,建议可以简单的说:“Sure。” 或是 “Ok。”同时将ID card递给考官。

(3)千万不要说:“Here you go.” 或者 “There you go.”这两个短语其实太随意了,说不好还会给人高高在上的感觉。而且。。。一般是用在给乞丐钱或是给小孩子零食吃的时候。

(4)有些童鞋会说:“Of course。”或者是 “Of course. Here you are。”

建议尽量不要用“Of course。”这显得过于礼貌正式。比如在餐厅吃饭的时候顾客问“Could I have a menu, please?”

服务员回答时才说:“Of course, Sir. Here you are。”



雅思口语Part2话题范文:waiting for something

Describe something special that you waited for

What it was

Why you waited

What you did when you waited

And explain how you felt


I’m a big fan of photography so I clearly remembered how I waited for my first camera I bought in an online store.

I was in the habit of online shopping then so when I got the enough budget to purchase an expensive camera and lens in April last year before I planed to travel, I placed an order immediately in that website and waited for the delivery anxiously at home with myself.

The ship would not be shipped the same day because there were always a large amount of orders in the website, but it would be sent the next day. So I had to wait for a whole day. I constantly checked the shipping status in the website to see how the delivery processed, and I would always be very delighted to find a change in the procedure. You know, it always would be a long and painful time before you get something you dream of.

雅思口语Part2话题范文:a plan in your life

Describe a plan in your life that is not relevant with your work or study.

What it is

When you have the plan

Who you have told the plan to

And explain why you want to do this.


Let me talk about my plans for this upcoming Christmas holiday.

Just a few weeks ago, my friend in Argentina contacted me and told me that he and his family are planning to visit the San Francisco Bay Area during the holidays. Since he is one of my best childhood friends and I've been living in the area for several years, I didn't hesitate and offered to be their tour guide.

They plan to stay here for only a week, and my plan is to drive my SUV and take them to some of the most popular tourist spots within the city of San Francisco, which includes the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, and the Coit Tower. I'm also thinking to spend a day to tour some of the most famous wineries in the Napa Valley. And if they are up for longer drives, I'm also willing to take them to Lake Tahoe and the Yosemite National Park.

I've always been good at making travel arrangements. As soon as my friend can confirm their dates, I will start doing research on hotels and restaurants, and try to come up with a detailed itinerary so that they can know what to expect during their stay.

Oh, since they will be here during the winter, which tends to be rainy and snowy, I will also have to constantly check on the weather forecast and make changes if necessary. The point is to be safe throughout the entire trip and find alternatives if the weather doesn't cooperate.

雅思口语Part2话题范文:cafe you enjoyed

Describe a cafe you enjoyed

You should say:

what special features it has

what kind of food they offer

how often you go there

and explain why you enjoy going there


Ok right then, well the cafe that I’d like to talk to you about is one called Feibi Cafe, which is somewhere in the outskirts of the city, just a few minutes’ walk from where I live.

And as for how often I go there, well I actually go there quite a lot, probably something like once or twice a week. Having said that though, it really kind of depends how busy I am. I mean, there are times when I don’t go for weeks on end because I’m simply too busy with stuff, but normally that’s not the case, and I’m there pretty regularly, as I just mentioned.

Anyway, regarding what kind of things they serve there, well it’s great, because they’ve got a really good selection of both Chinese and Western food, so there’s a lot to choose from. And in terms of drinks, there’salso quite a lot on the menu, especially coffee, which you can probably imagine, what with it being a cafe and all. And I tend to normally always go for the Americano coffee, cos I think they do it really well, and so I’ve never really felt the need to try any of the other drinks on the menu.

But anyway, finally then, moving on to why I like this place so much, well I’d say it’s a combination of reasons, one of which would be that it’s really big and spacious, at least compared to most of the other cafes I’ve been to, so you never have to worry about not finding a place to sit. Although having said that, it can sometimes get pretty busy in the evenings, so I usually tend to go in the morning or afternoon. Anyway, another thing to mention would be that the food and drinks there are pretty good-value. Because I mean, most of the Western food there only costs between about 30 to 50 yuan, which is a lot cheaper than most of the other Western restuarants in the city. And the price of the coffee there is round about the same price as Starbuck’s, which some people might see as expensive, but considering the fact that you’re paying for the environment as well as the drink, I’d say it’s definitely worth it.

Oh and the other thing I really like about it is that you can spend as much time as you want relaxing there,without being bothered by the waiters. And the chairs there are nice and comfy, so it’s actually very easy to spend half the day there using the free wifi or doing whatever.

So yeah, I guess that’s about it!


Having said that though = 不过话又说回来

Although having said that = 不过话又说回来

something like = about

normally that's not the case = 一般不说这个样子

go for = choose

what with it being a cafe and all = 毕竟是个咖啡店

round about the same price = 差不多一样价格

considering the fact that = 考虑到

Oh and ...... = 啊对了,......

comfy = comfortable

nice and (adj.) = 如果你对这个事情很满意的话,这个形容词前面可以加一个“nice and..." for example, "the weather's nice and sunny today" / "my bedroom is nice and bright" / "the library is

雅思口语Part2话题答案:swimming place

Describe a popular swimming place.

what it looks like

what kinds of people swim there

why people like to swim there


Swimming is a very relaxing exercise. There are three swimming pools in my home town. One is in the Latitude Gym. Another one is in the City Club and the third one is in The J.C.T.Mill. Here I am going to talk about the JCT mill swimming pool. This is the best swimming pool in my hometown.

The pool is free for the employees of the mill and their families but outsiders need a special permission. This pool is situated inside the mill. It is very beautiful. It is very neat and clean. The water is filtered every week.

That is why most people like to go there instead of other places. I also go there with my friends during the summer vacations. There are 5 trainers who teach swimming. The fee for learning swimming is also very nominal. There are shower rooms for people to change and take bath later on

The pool has different depth levels on different sides. Beginners are only allowed the shallow side. The maximum depth of this pool is 16 feet

There is also diving facility. So, this is the swimming pool which I like the most.


