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1. I am a student studying in Wuhan University, and I major in Computer Science.


2. I chose my major because I thought it was popular, so it will be easier for me to find a job after graduation.


3. I came from Hubei province.


4. I love my hometown because there are a lot of places of interest and delicious food here.


5. The most famous attraction is Yellow Crane Tower. It was built hundreds of years ago besides the Yangtze River.


6. Every year millions of tourists visit the tower coming from different parts of China.


7. And the most welcomed snack is the hot dry noodle, even though some outlanders do not appreciate it at the beginning, they will love it finally.


8. My favourite season is definitely winter, because I was born in winter.


9. What's more, I can enjoy the beautiful view after snow while all the buildings and trees are covered by white snow.


10. The most important things is that I could enjoy the whole winter vacation and celebrate the Spring Festival with family.


11. Blue is my favourite, as it has the same colour with sky and ocean. Both of those are enormous.


12. When people are in bad mood, they can go to the wild field, lay down on the grass and look into the sky or drive a car to the beach to see the sea.


13. I believe they will feel much better when they are surrounded by the attractive natural beauty.


14. I watched a fantastic movie named "Brave Heart" when I was in the second year in college.


15. It presented a Scottish hero, "Wiliam Wallace" who led his people to fight for freedom.


16. Unfortunately, he was set up by his partner and executed at the end.


17. However, his last screaming invoked Scottish people and encouraged them to pick up his sword to defend their homeland and protect their citizens from the invasion of England.


18. In China, the most popular flower must be rose, as people believe that the rose stands for love.


19. The youth always give roses to their lovers to show how much they love each other.


20. As for me, Lily is the most meaningful flower, not only because it is beautiful and smells good, but also because it has a similar pronunciation with "Love each other forever" in Chinese.


雅思口语题库part1话题答案:Daily Routine日常

1.what is the busiest part of the day for you?

From about 10 o'clock to noon. That is when i have to take care of my work and tings are a bit hectic.

2.What part of your day do you like best?

My favourite part of the day is late afternoon, because the day's work is coming to an end, I can go home, and i have the evening to look forward to, and the weather is generally pleasant and cool.

3.Do you usually have the same routine every day

Almost. I start my day with coffee, then rush to the train station to go to work and back home. Not too much room for flexibility when you work 9 hours a day and you are 12 hours out of the house. I dream of becoming a freelancer especially for this reason.

4.What is your daily routine?

In a typical weekday I have to wake up a bit early and revise my university lessons and then I rush to the university campus to attend the lecture. At around 2.00 pm I eat my lunch in the cafeteria and spent the whole evening in the library. After I return home at around 7.00 pm I spent my time in my study room and have my dinner with my family members. I watch a news channel for an hour and then get back to my room. I read a story book for a while and at around 1.00 am I go to bed.

5.Do you ever change your routine?

I always want some changes in my life, so my routines also are constantly changing. I do not like to have mundane or routine set of activities each day, that would be boring. Also, having different patterns can keep others guessing about your whereabouts, just adds to the security factor!

6.Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?

Not really. I try to make each of my day a little different to the previous one, to keep me motivated and to add to the fun.

7.What would you like to change in your day to day routine?

I would like to get up earlier in the morning than I do now. Next, I would like to take up regular exercises in a gymnasium. Apart from that, I would like to leave office/ university early to walk in the park for an hour. Apart from that, my current daily routine is all good.

8.Are all your days the same?

Not really. For me, a day-off is quite different than the busy working day in every perspective. Apart from that different circumstances and events make the days different from each other. While Sunday is a day to spend time with my family members and to meet friends and play with them in the evening, I have a tight schedule at the university and work on Monday.

9. when time do you get up?

Well, let's see. Some days I wake up early. Maybe about 6 o'clock. Yeah, sometimes I wake up at 6 o'clock.When I get up early, I like to get ready for the day, take a shower and have breakfast. But other days, I don't like getting up early. Maybe I'll sleep in until 10:00 or 11:00.


in a rut



learn to dance with life

a strong aversion to routine and try to shake it up as often as i can

it depends on the mood we are all in

i have the luxury of being able to be a bit flexible

i never thought i would like a routine but it's growing on me

i try to get both eyes open within a reasonable time frame.

eat out for breakfast as i am on the go

plan adventure for the day.

clear off the backlog the day

doze back to sleep

i emerge at 7 am

雅思口语题库part1话题答案:Forgetting /bringing things

1.What do you remember to do every day?

Well, there are many things I have to remember to do every day. For example, after getting up in the morning, I need to take some simple physical exercises like doing some crunches and push-ups. Besides, another important thing that I should keep in mind is to teach my son to read the traditional Chinese poems in the evening.

2. What helps people to remember things?

Well, it’s kind of hard to say but people I know around me use the to-do-list apps in their mobile phones to help them remember what to do next; but maybe for others, they may probably write the urgent things down in the notebooks.

3. Why do old people forget about things easily?

Well, I guess it’s quite normal that people are more and more forgetful when they are becoming ageing. Apart from some negative emotional factors like stress and depression, elderly people are easier to forget things because of their normal ageing.

4. Have you ever forgotten something important?

Oh yes, I nearly forgot the birthday of a woman I liked last time. I once asked her what her birthday was, and told her I would send her a gift, but I just unbelievably forgot it until the evening that day. Fortunately I asked her out to dinner to celebrate with her.

5.Why do people often forget small things?

Well, I suppose it could be because they have a lot of things to think about or remember and sometimes it’s easy to remember big important things - but little things are more easily forgotten.

6. What kind of things do you have to bring when you go out?

Cell phone, of course. I take it with me wherever I go. And my keys, wallet, lipstick are also must-have items. I always put them together in a small handbag.

7.Did you ever forget to bring something?

I rarely forget to bring something as I have a good memory. But there was a time when I forgot to take my house key before I left home. What was worse, my parents were on their trip. So I had to stay with my friend for onenight.

8.How do you remind yourself?

I always write a note about what I should bring, and stick it to the refrigerator door. Everyday before I leave my home, I check it to find out what is missing. And it really works.

9.Do you carry different things in the morning and in the evening?

For me, there is no difference between the things carried in the morning and in the evening, almost the same.


lose the track of time

ring a bell

stick in your mind

memory loss


crystallized memory

fades with time

do memory exercises

reminder app

I often set up alerts on my (Apple) calendar events to remind me that I have to leave for an appointment

My daily to-do list is written on a notepad at my desk and includes things like, “edit blog post” and “clean out fridge.” Eventually it all gets done.

A hanging calendar that I lay flat on my desk with large enough spaces to write in reminders.


1.Do you enjoy birthdays?

Yes, I do love them. There is so much fun associated with birthdays. You meet people, friends, play, put cakes and then sing birthday songs. We dance and sing and so much more. It is like we become kids once again.

I do enjoy birthdays. Birthdays bring along with them so much positivity and a feeling of freshness. It seems as if it is another chance to be someone else, someone better. You meet friends, enjoy with them, laugh at the silly things done and plan for the great future ahead.

2.Do you usually celebrate your birthdays?

Yes, I do. Although it is not very huge party but I make sure that there is a party and that I have all my near and dear ones surrounding me during my birthday.

I usually am not a very big birthday fan. I think there should not be any reason to celebrate life and oneself. I am one of those who would give myself or any one else gifts out of the box with no reasons and at any time of the year.

3.What did you do on your last birthday?

I'm not really big on celebrating my birthday, and I'm not very sociable person either. Although, I did celebrate my last birthday with an awesome lunch with my friends at this brewery and played several rounds of laser tag. I'm probably not gonna make a big deal out of my name day until I'm thirty, which is in a couple years....

4.Can you remember a birthday that you enjoyed as a child?

I still remember my 13th birthday. It started out with no plan and we decided to just have fun within my family members but as it turned out to be, people started coming just like that, some saw my father getting cake and others simply wanted to wish me. It was a surprise of its own kind and we had almost 50 people in the house. It was real fun, meeting people and then opening the gifts.

5.Do most people celebrate their birthdays with a party in your country?

Yes. No matter a person is rich or poor, there surely is some kind of party going on during a birthday. There are people who are very extravagant and don’t think twice before spending on their birthdays while some make budgets to make sure there is a good party on birthday. Birthdays in my country are often taken as something that brings lot of people together.

6.Do you prefer birthday parties with your friends or with your family?

-My birthday is the anniversary of the day my mother gave birth to me, so obviously it’s a day I should spend with family.

-Definitely my friends, with my friends I could let loose and really have a good time.

-My family is more important to me so I think it’s more meaningful to spend my birthday with my family members.


throw a party (have a party) “In my country parents often throw a party for their children by inviting their friends over.”

paint the town red (have a great time) “Birthdays provide the perfect opportunity to paint the town red all day long.”

a social butterfly (to have lots of friends) “I’m not quite a social butterfly, but I do like to celebrate my special day with a few friends and family members.”

decorate “On my friend’s birthday I like to decorate the room with balloons and greeting signs.”

milestone “When someone turns 50, they have reached a milestone in their life.”

keepsake “Keepsake gifts, such as jewelry or photo albums make nice presents.”

The party turned to be a blast.


I'm not exactly a social butterfly, so while I'm not the kind of person who avoids even just mentioning it to people I know, I don't like to make a big deal out of it. No presents, except from parents and grandparents who would give me gifts even if I told them not to. Maybe a slice of cake if it's doable, but I won't go out of my way. I don't drink, so going out to the bar with chums is not something I'd like to do. Really, I just prefer to quietly tick a mental check-box that another year in my life has passed and reflect on what, if anything, has changed about myself since last year.

I usually just go out to lunch with my family, and then hang out with some friends, maybe go to a movie or something. I typically don't make a big deal out of my birthday, and whenever someone asks me what I want for my birthday I tend to reply with something along the lines of "I have everything I need" (except this year when I've been replying with "a job").


1.Which do you prefer, reading newspapers or magazines?

I would say I prefer newspapers. Newspapers in just ten or eight pages give you a glimpse of the entire world, including all the sections. From fashion to the general news to comics to sports to almost everything. In just one newspaper, you have access to the entire world.

2.What type of stories do you like to read about?

I love reading autobiographies and non-fiction. Autobiographies because they give a glimpse of lifestyle of a very successful person. You get to know them when they were the mango people and what they did to become what they became. Their struggle, the inner story, their point of view and for some reasons I find it quite exciting. Other than this, I like reading non-fiction.

3.Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language? [When/Why?]

Yes, all the time. I lived in another country for several years, so reading in a foreign language was a normal activity for me, not just newspapers and magazines, but all kinds of documents and literature. I still do it to maintain my reading skills.

4.Do you think reading a newspaper and magazine can help you learn a language?

Yes, but it depends on your language level. If you are just beginning to learn a language then it can be very difficult and frustrating – certainly not the best way to try and learn a foreign language – but as you progress and develop your vocabulary it is a good way to learn expressions and phrases related to common topics in the news and current affairs, or related to a specific topic in the case of magazines.

5.Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?

I think the reason might be that magazines are more specific. So, for example if I am interested in reading about like sports, then a magazine will offer me better articles and more specific, to be concise. It also de clutters all the things that one does not wants to read.

6.Which magazines and newspapers do you read (why)?

Answer A) I prefer reading magazines on travel. Being a travel host, it is very important for me to know about more places and understand them theoretically, before taking on my camera and team along side. Travel magazine also help me to understand the perspective of the other person for a same place that I have also visited. Apart from it, I like fashion magazines as well. Not for the reasons of fashion, I find them good entertainer when one wants to just spend time idly.

Answer B) I only read magazines and newspapers if I’m waiting someplace and they are there, and there is no other alternative. Most of the time, I prefer doing something on my phone. But, either ways, I like to read sports magazine. Cars and their engines excite me for the most part. I mean, there are fantastic cars out there and in magazines, a perfect description is given. Newspapers, I rarely read. I prefer getting the news on either phone or television.


Your Habits

track the news; peruse my favourite column; subscribe to a publication; catch a news bulletin; follow a story

Types of News, Newspapers and Magazines

a broadsheet; a tabloid; the dailies; a weekly publication; a news source; online news; a press conference; a media outlet; a wide circulation; a small readership

Parts of a Newspaper

an editorial; a subjective opinion piece; a column; letters to the editor; the classifieds

Types of News

local news; international news; world events; current affairs; business news; gossip; sensational news; the scandal received wide coverage in the press; libel; breaking news; make the headlines; objective reporting; cover a story; news coverage; analysis; the story went viral

The People Involved

I think I’m a pretty good news hound

paparazzi; unscrupulous reporters; a news anchor; a newscaster; a broadcaster; a columnist; a reporter; a journalist; a photojournalist

phrases and idioms

a rag; the gutter press; yellow journalism

information overload

invasion of privacy

government censorship

a slow news day


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