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1. Receipt

Receipt 英 [rɪ'siːt] 美 [rɪ'sit]

n. 收到;收据;收入

vt. 收到


1) receipt里的p不发音。

2) 还有ei, 不发ɛ的音,而是i的音。

3) 还有像psychology,psychiatrist,psalm

❤️ Psychology 英 [saɪ'kɒlədʒɪ] 美 [saɪ'kɑlədʒi]

n. 心理学;心理状态

❤️ psychiatrist 英 [saɪ'kaɪətrɪst] 美 [saɪ'kaɪətrɪst]

n. 精神病学家,精神病医生

❤️ psalm英 [sɑːm] 美 [sɑm]

n. 诗篇;圣歌

vt. 唱赞美诗祝祷

2. Debt

Debt: 英 [det] 美 [dɛt]

n. 债务;借款;罪过


1) 和receipt的p一样,debt的b也不发音。

2) 还有像doubt, subtle,这里的b都不发音

❤️ doubt英 [daʊt] 美 [daʊt]

n. 怀疑;疑问;疑惑 v. 怀疑;不信;恐怕

❤️ subtle英 ['sʌt(ə)l] 美 ['sʌtl]

adj. 微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的

3. Colleague

Colleague: 英 ['kɒliːg] 美 ['kɑliɡ]

n. 同事,同僚

很多中国考生会犯这样的错误:把['kɒliːg],硬是给读成了 ['kɒliːgər] ,就是很喜欢拖音节。


1) gue在词尾通常发/g/,g是个短促的浊音,不用读成[gər].

2) 还有像Vogue,league,vague

❤️ Vogue 英 [vəʊg] 美 [voɡ]

n. 时尚;流行,时髦

adj. 时髦的,流行的

n. (Vogue)人名;(葡)


❤️ League 英 [liːg] 美 [lig]

n. 联盟;社团;范畴

vt. 使…结盟;与…联合

vi. 团结;结盟

n. (League)人名;(英)利格

❤️ Vague英 [veɪg] 美 [veɡ]

adj. 模糊的;含糊的;不明确的;暧昧的

n. (Vague)人名;(法)瓦格;(英)韦格

比较级 vaguer最高级 vaguest


3. Mobile

英 [ˈməʊbaɪl] 美 [ˈmobəl; ˈmoˌbaɪl; ˈmoˌbil]

adj. 可移动的;机动的;易变的;非固定的

n. 运动物体



1) mobile的重音在第一个音节m上,而不是b上。

2) Mobile 有三种正确的发音方式:



[ ˈmoˌbil]


4. Process

英 ['prəʊses] 美 ['prɑsɛs]

vt. 处理;加工

n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移

vi. 列队前进

adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的

这个单词的重音问题,很多烤鸭也会犯,硬是读成了[prɑ'sɛs],把重音放在c了上。而正确的重音应该是在p上, 不是c上。

5. Theory

英 ['θɪərɪ] 美 ['θiəri]

n. 理论;原理;学说;推测

切记,这个单词也是重音在第一个音节th的发音,不要将其读成了/θi 'ə ri/。Th的发音一直都是很多烤鸭的问题,有些比较严重的,硬是把th发成了s的读音,th的发音有点带口吃的类型,两齿需要咬住舌尖,再发音就对了。

6. Advertizing

美 /'ædvɚ'taɪzɪŋ/ 英 /'ædvətaɪzɪŋ]/



Ad: 广告 (advertizing/advertisement的缩写,native speaker口语中也常用简化版) Commercial: 广告 (名词, 美语很常用)

7. Steak

Steak:英 [steɪk] 美 [stek]

n. 牛排;肉排;鱼排

不要发音成 [stɪk]哟,这里ea的发音不再是[i],而是[e],所以大家对于不确定发音的时候,一定要去查字典,弄清楚具体的发音。





还有个单词,大家也许都认识,stake, 发音和steak完全一样, 但意思截然不同。

❤️ Stake: 英 [steɪk] 美 [stek]

n. 桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金

vt. 资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌

vi. 打赌

n. (Stake)人名;(瑞典)斯塔克

8. Suite

Suite [swit]: 套房



❤️ Suit 英 [sju:t; su:t] 美 [sut]

vt. 适合;使适应

n. 诉讼;恳求;套装,西装;一套外衣

vi. 合适;相称

9. Towel

Towel: 英 ['taʊəl] 美 ['taʊəl]

n. 毛巾,手巾;[纸] 纸巾

vt. 用毛巾擦

vi. 用毛巾擦干身体

Eg: After a shower, you need a towel: 洗完澡,要毛巾


❤️ Tower:英 ['taʊə] 美 ['taʊɚ]

n. 塔;高楼;堡垒

vi. 高耸;超越

n. (Tower)人名;(英)托尔

10. Selfie

Selfie: [ˈsɛl fi/]自拍

很多人会读成[ˈsɛlɪˌfaɪ]或者[ˈsɛlɪˌfɪə ].注意:"fie" 发/fi/,不是/aɪ/或者/ɪə/。



雅思口语p2话题范文:a famous person that you are interested in

Who is this person

What is their specialty

Why do you admire him


In my to-meet list, there are so many well – respected celebrities whom I am desired to meet and spend time with. However, I would like to share about Pele, who is nicknamed as the greatest soccer player around the Globe.

Initially, I really need to kick off with the point that Pele was just seventeen when he first played in World Cup in Sweden of 1958 for Brazil. Despite his very young age, he was selected for the national team participating one of the biggest sport competition on the planet. Back then, he was not the star player but when his teammate was hurt, Pele went into the game. He immediately scored goal and Brazil won the World Cup. By his amazing aptitudes and skills, Pele was feared by other teams. The Brazilian government even named him as a national treasure. It is not doubtful to say that Pele is one of the biggest factors making Brazil’s soccer so well – known. His last World Cup was in Mexico in 1970. Brazil scored 4 goals against Italy to win the World Cup for the third time. Another point that I would like to share is that Pele owns an admirable career that every soccer players crave for. Pele holds many soccer records such as having over 1000 goals in his career. He was nominated athlete of the Century in 1980 and became a member of a soccer Hall of Fame in 1993.

Although he’s now retired from professional competition, Pele is still considered as a great inspiration for soccer players and lovers.

雅思口语p2话题范文:your favourite location for swimming

You should say:

what and where it is

how often you visit this place

who do you go there with

and explain why this is your favourite location for swimming.


Where I grew up as a child there’s a great place to go swimming. We used to go all the time, especially in the summer months because it was super cool in the water and we could cool down from the heat of the day.

The place is a small bay on the coast in the south of the country. It was really close to my grandparent’s house where I spent the summer months during my childhood. This place was incredibly popular with people – and everyone went there to enjoy the beach, the water and just spend time with their friends and family.

At the weekends it was always busy with young children and families and some would even stay and cook lunch on open fires on the beach after swimming and spending the morning there. It was a great family day out.

We used to jump off an old pier there which jutted out into the bay. The pier was an old wooden structure which was about 3 meters above the water so it was great for diving off into the water. I can remember some really good times there with some of the other local kids who lived there.

I still go there sometimes when I visit my grandparents, just for old time’s sake, to revisit some of those wonderful memories. It’s not just a great place for swimming, it also has a great beach, and a terrific view, especially in the evening when the sun is going down.

It’s definitely one of the most popular places to go swimming, and much better than a swimming pool.

雅思口语p2话题范文:interesting historical event

You should say,

What event it is

How you know this event

Why is it so interesting

And explain your feelings towards this event.


I’d like to share with you an interesting historical event that happened in Xia Dynasty. It’s a story in our history textbook about a stupid king whose name I couldn’t remember exactly. Anyway, this king married a queen who was drop-dead gorgeous, however, there’s one thing that really bugged him, and that is, his queen hardly ever smiled, and that’s how she got the nickname “Ice Queen”. The King racked his brains trying to find a way to make her smile, but failed every time. He even promised that anyone who could put a smile on the queen’s face would get a thousand boxes of gold. One day, someone at the court suggested that the king could light the warning beacons that are normally used to summon armies from surrounding states in times of danger. He explained, the queen must find it hilarious when the nobles arrived and realized they got played. The king thought he had a point, so he took the advice. And the guy was right. The queen did burst out laughing when she saw the nobles hurry to the court only to find that it was a false alarm. If you ask me, the king was so out of line, and the worst part is, he did the same thing several times to please his queen, and finally lost the trust of the nobles. When he was actually in danger, no one came to his rescue.

So you see, it’s kind of a funny and sad history story, and somehow it’s usually told as a cautionary tale of how one beauty can topple a country.


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