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问题1:Do you like your job?



Answer 1: No. / No, I don't.(3-4分)然后一脸懵比地看着考官

Answer 2: No. Because the working hours are too long.(5分)

Answer 3: No. It's too stressful, the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low. I really want to find a better job. (6分)

Answer 4: No, I don't(直接回答问题). It's too stressful(形容词的使用), the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low(解释原因). I really want to find a better job(总结)(7分)

Answer 5: No, I don't, to tell you the truth. There's virtually(高分副词的运用) nothing I like about it. For example(举例,扩展答案), it's too stressful,the working hours are too long – about ten hours a day – and the pay's much too low. So, as you can imagine(短语), I really want to find a better job(总结). (8分)

问题2:Would you say your hometown is a good place to live?

A: Not exactly(委婉的否定). It's not a bad place to live because(介绍原因) it's clean and it's close to the ocean and there are quite a few new companies there so most people can find a job(复杂句型), but I really would prefer to live somewhere else because ... I don't know ... maybe it's just a bit boring for people of my age. For example(举例), there'svery little night life and there's nothing much to do on the weekends.


hopefully 有希望的

This will help with my assimilation to a new culture and hopefully make new friends. 这样有助于我融入新的文化,并且有望交到新朋友。

approximately 大约

Our English teacher is approximately in her thirties. 我们英语老师有30岁模样。

strangely 怪异地

Slowly and strangely, the place began to grow on me. 真是不可思议,我渐渐地喜欢上这个地方了。

luckily 幸运地

Luckily there was a taxi stand nearby. 幸好附近就有一个出租车候客处。

unfortunately 遗憾地

Unfortunately, I haven't seen him for several months since he attends university abroad. 很遗憾,自从他出国我已经好几个月没见过他了。

actually 实际上

They always say time changes everything, but you actually have to change it yourself. 人们总说时间会改变一切,但事实上,你必须自己去改变一切。

definitely 一定地

Definitely, it is necessary and vital for people to have a solid understanding of their country’s history. 对于人们来说,充分了解自己国家的历史是很有必要而且必须的。

否定回答:Definitely not.


probably 或许

Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get. 游泳或许是现有的最佳锻炼方式。

frequently 频繁地

Eating out too frequently is not good for family members’ communication. 频繁地出去吃饭不利于家人之间的交流。

normally 通常地

Normally, a scientifically set class schedule is beneficial for the future development of the children. 通常来说,科学的课程表设置对孩子的长远发展有利。









考官东张西望,没说几句就说“Ok, you can stop here.”,而且基本上盯着卡片,一副对你的表演不感兴趣的样子,从头到尾低着头连点语气变化都有这种人你一定要想方设法引起他的注意,否则......你的分数:6分左右













雅思口语题库part2话题答案:a house/apartment you(recently)visited

You should say:

- Where it was (or is)

- When you visited it

– What it looked like

And explain why you visited it.


Ok then, well the place that I’d like to talk to you about was actually a show home that I went to visit with my parents, which was in a newly developed (off-plan) apartment not far from the CBD. And I suppose it must have been about two or three weeks ago when we went there.

As for why we went there, well it was simply because we’re thinking of buying a flat (an apartment) as an investment. You know for Chinese, this is a very common thing to do, because investing in property is seen as being relatively risk-free. And some friends of ours who had already been there to have a look recommended that we also check it out .So we thought, why not!

Anyway, with regard to what the flat/apartment looked like, well basically, it was really nicely decorated, as you can probably imagine, what with it being a show home and all. For example, the floor was mostly marble, and there was a huge chandelier hanging above the dining table. So yeah, it all looked pretty impressive. I mean, even the wallpaper was nice, you know, it was, um… I’m not quite sure how to best describe it, but you could just tell it was really good quality from the feel and texture of it.

The only downside was the price, because I think it was something like ten grand a square meter, so the whole flat came to about 720K ($720,000), or somewhere thereabouts, which was a bit above our budget unfortunately!

Other useful phrases:

It was on the tenth floor

Floor-to-ceiling windows

Very spacious/roomy

Very cozy

It was open-plan

Flat-screen TV

It overlooked the city centre

It had a great view of the city centre

雅思口语题库part2话题答案:an interesting talk or speech

You should say

When you heard it

Where you heard it

What it was about

And explain why you think it was interesting.


Lately I have attended a speech on “how to start a successful conversation” given by a communication expert in the Grand Hall of our school.

A lady gave that speech. She actually made a living by talking to various people. She was a psychiatrist and it was her job to help people with mental problems live like a normal human being through talking. And by her own words, she was a success.

She started her speech by denying the practicality and accuracy of the so- called golden rules of starting a conversation, and even went so far as to call them “crap”. One rule within the golden rules was chosen to explain why so. The rule was “To show you are paying attention, look into the eyes of the speaker, nod from time to time and ask occasionally some simple questions to sustain the conversation.” On this she said, if you were truly paying attention to the conversation and the speaker, you didn't even need to learn how to pay attention. If you had to learn how to pay attention, you were actually trying to get out of a conversation.

Then she gave some simple rules of how to have a successful conversation, one of which was to ask open questions. She named the questions that could be answered with simply yes or no or one noun or one verb the “Conversation terminators”. I had never heard this before. But after a thought, she was right. I mean, when I ask you “Do you like dogs?” You might answer like “Yes, I love dogs”. And that is it. Suppose the one who answers doesn't want to share more about why or what dogs he likes, the conversation will end. So such questions can’t be good. Instead, we should use more often open questions like “What was like to have a dog?” “When do you think is the best age to have dog?” “Where do you think it better to have dogs, a city or a village?” Basically these questions enabled people to think, according to her. And it was these thinking that could finally deepen the conversation and make it longer.

She was an aggressive one I had to say, and you don't have to agree with what she said. But it was worth listening to.

雅思口语题库part2话题答案:an interesting neighbour有趣的邻居

Who this person is

How you know this person

What this person likes to do

And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting.


I live in Stuttgart in Germany and accompany my parents in a medium-size apartment. I have a neighbour named Mr. Adalric who lives in the next door of us.

Mr. Adalric is a highly extrovert man with the look of an adventurer. He is around six feet in height and loves to be casual always in his attires. I have never seen him wearing any formal clothes even when he attends his office. But he is cautious about his hair and regularly combs them with a small hair comb which he keeps always in his pocket. Moreover, Mr. Adalric is fond of kids as he does not have any kid. However, he is a jolly person with a deep voice and helpful too in many aspects.

I like Mr. Adalric much for his benevolence behaviour and his extrovert nature. He likes meeting newer people and most of the time I see him talking with people whom he has never met before and once he told me that it is a hobby for him to get familiar with the unfamiliar people in his surroundings. Besides, he is the person who understands the almost every situation and comes to offer help without any conditions. He has helped me too in some of the situations and particularly in my study. Whenever he comes to visit us, he asks about my study and if I am in trouble with any of my subjects, especially English, he provides me the directives to study and in some cases makes the texts and issues clear to me.

I do not have any specific time to meet with Mr. Adalric. Since he lives on the same floor with us, I meet him whenever I am in need, particularly to understand my studies. He is available in his home after the evening and full days in the holidays. So, I do not need to make any appointment or to follow a calendar to meet him. Further, he frequently visits our apartment whenever he needs to take a cup of coffee or any other soft beverages since his ‘health conscious’ wife does not like him to take the beverages. As a result, I meet him almost every day of the week and enjoy great moments with him.

Mr. Adalric is truly an adorably interesting neighbour. Being an extrovert, he inquires about the problems of the people and supports them after his ability. But sometimes he feels shy when he fails to help the vulnerable and I have seen him apologising carefully to the people whom he could not help for his inability. He also takes as much care as possible to his neighbors and after that scheme he teaches me sometimes with my tough subjects like general math, biological science and English. I am grateful to him for his unconditional support. Moreover, he sends birthday wishes to all of his neighbors and he also has wished me in my last birth day and presented me a nice binocular. He is a perfect neighbor I have ever seen.


★ 雅思口语7分有多难

★ 雅思8分获得者的口语考官经验

★ 雅思口语地道的短语表达


