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小编今天和大家分享一下雅思口语话题题库part2范文积极的改变positive change in your life,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

雅思口语话题题库part2范文积极的改变positive change in your life

Describe a positive change in your life

You should say:

What the change was

When it happened

How it happened

and explain why it was a positive change




The change was basically that I decided I needed to get a bit fitter, and the thing that helped me do so was joining up to do Parkrun. However, I’m jumping ahead. Let me explain how it came about… A couple of years ago I started to feel like I was getting old and losing my basic fitness. Although I walked quite a lot, I wasn’t really doing anything else very much that was physical. I was never very good at sports, so I didn’t really know where to begin. However, I’ve always liked being outdoors, so on something of a whim I booked an activity holiday in Northumberland, which is a beautiful rural area in the north east of England, right by the coast. The holiday was great. We did abseiling; hill walking; body-surfing – all sorts of things. In addition, every morning began with a run along the sands of the seaside. Now I’d never run before – well only if I was trying to catch a bus, but otherwise, not at all. I wasn’t very good at it, and honestly, I didn’t even really enjoy it all that much. However, I did have to concede that it is a great form of exercise. You don’t really need any special equipment (apart from decent trainers); you can do it anywhere and it’s free! What’s more, I found out from some other holiday makers that in the UK there is a free weekly event held nationwide in parks all over the country. It is called Parkrun, and basically people gather every Saturday morning at 9.00 a.m. to run a fixed course of 5km and get a time for doing so. I wasn’t too sure if this would be achievable for me. I’d never run that far before. But I promised myself I would try it ‘just once’ to see if I could.

The day after I got back from my holiday I turned up to do the Parkrun at my local park. I can tell you the exact day! It was 24th August 2013 – I know this because the whole point of Parkrun is that if you register (which is free) then the organisation records your time each week and you can access it online afterwards. The first time I went I didn’t even manage to run the whole way round, but I did finish, and I did get a great sense of achievement. Because you know your time, it is quite addictive, you find you do want to go again the next week and see if you can improve! My local parkrun is huge, with well over 500 runners taking part every week – so even though I was pretty slow, I found I wasn’t the slowest.

Since that day over two years ago, I’ve found that I’ve gone to Parkrun almost every week. I have taken part in some 70 parkruns, and through doing so made new friends, maintained a certain level of fitness, and even gained the confidence to take part in some longer runs. I’ve done lots of 10km races now, a few off-road runs – including one over 24km as well as taken part in obstacle races! I would never have believed that the small change of ‘just going once’ to Parkrun to ‘give it a go’ would lead to me being such an enthusiastic member of Parkrun two years later. By the way, I haven’t really ever got any faster, but I’m definitely a lot fitter. Now I can’t imagine a Saturday morning without heading off for a run with my 500 friends at the local park! That first day I turned up nervously to join in with Parkrun was definitely the beginning of a positive change in my life!

[ Written by - Lucy Marris | Careers Adviser (UK), TEFL teacher (Vietnam) ]


地道用词:along the sands of the seaside

catch a bus

gained the confidence

heading off

高分句型: However, I’m jumping ahead. Let me explain how it came about… A couple of years ago I started to feel like I was getting old and losing my basic fitness. Although I walked quite a lot, I wasn’t really doing anything else very much that was physical. I was never very good at sports, so I didn’t really know where to begin.

The first time I went I didn’t even manage to run the whole way round, but I did finish, and I did get a great sense of achievement.

雅思口语话题题库part2范文积极的改变positive change in your life

Describe a positive change in your life

You should say:

What the change was

When it happened

How it happened

and explain why it was a positive change




Well, I’d like to talk about the very first time that I rode a bicycle. It was a long time ago, the summer after I finished primary school. At that age, most of my friends could already cycle, but for me it was quite difficult, as I was extremely bad at keeping my balance and so I was very reluctant to learn.

However, that summer, my grandfather decided to teach me how to ride and we practised every morning. And after suffering from several bad falls, eventually I was able ride the bicycle myself, without my grandpa’s help. It was a real thrill and I remember feeling extremely happy as I rode around my neighborhood, although actually I was also a little bit nervous and afraid of crashing into others.

Thanks to my grandpa, that day I realized that I was not as weak as I had thought and I could conquer my fear to take on any challenge ahead.From that time on, I started to go to school and go out with friends on my bike and finally I was able to enjoy the pleasure of feeling independent and mature. Maybe at that time, my grandpa’s purpose was only to encourage me to ride, but thanks to it, I became stronger and more confident about myself in general. Several years later, I read a quote that says “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving on”. It reminded me of that day and the important basic lesson that my grandpa taught me.



keeping balance: the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight on each side of the body.

take on: to tackle something by deciding to do it.

move on: start doing something new

remind of: to make somebody remember or think about the other person, place, thing, etc. because of the similarities


From that time on, I started to go to school and go out with friends on my bike and finally I was able to enjoy the pleasure of feeling independent and mature.

that day I realized that I was not as weak as I had thought and I could conquer my fear to take on any challenge ahead.

雅思口语话题题库part2范文积极的改变positive change in your life

Describe a positive change in your life

You should say:

What the change was

When it happened

How it happened

and explain why it was a positive change




I have started focusing on me and have started exploring a new me and that is a very positive change for me. For the last 20 years of my life, I was a typical girl who never thought of herself and did her duties and responsibilities for others.

Time was going on and my life was also going on with time in a very banal way. There was no value of time, life and thought. Only there was a tough routine that I had to follow and dedicate myself for others. I do not have any complaints dedicating me for the benefit of others, but that was so typical that I forgot my own existence and my own dreams.

My dreams were surrounded by someone special. It’s all about someone whom I loved more than my life. But the moment I realised that with whom I nurture all of my dreams, is lost in a very different world where I do not have a special place, I was broken and shaken up. That realisation initially gave me a feeling of being a loser and helpless one. It forcefully pulled me at the end of the world and I totally lost my confidence, believe in believing and did not seek any reason to live.

In that regrettable moments, I never stopped thinking and I asked questions to myself even when I was asleep. I was started regaining my confidence after I started realising the fact and reality. I was determined to hit the sky and not to feel like a looser. I will never forget the great contributions my friends had overcoming this fatal time and they advised me why I have to love myself and explore my own dreams even after someone has shattered my dreams. They helped me to get out from my dilemma. They reminded me who am I, who could I be.

The perception of life, reality and dreams seem like have changed in me and I am happy for the changes. It has helped me find the reality, a new me. Now I love myself even more with my every possibility and dream. Now I am taking a journey to look forward and reach a definite goal I have. I don’t know where it would go but I learnt to walk alone, confidently and I love my own reflection.


地道用词:focusing on

going on with time

seek reasons

shake up

高分句型: I do not have any complaints dedicating me for the benefit of others, but that was so typical that I forgot my own existence and my own dreams.

But the moment I realised that with whom I nurture all of my dreams, is lost in a very different world where I do not have a special place, I was broken and shaken up.

I will never forget the great contributions my friends had overcoming this fatal time and they advised me why I have to love myself and explore my own dreams even after someone has shattered my dreams.


