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为了让大家更好的备考雅思口语考试,小编为大家整理了雅思口语Part 2新题范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?


I live in a semi-detached house with three bedrooms in a suburb of Manchester. I've lived there for just over a year

2. Which is your favourite room in your home? Why?


I don't really have a favourite room. But if I had to choose, I'd say the living room because that's where I go to sit and relax.

3. Would you change anything about your home? Why / why not?


Yes, I've been meaning to redecorate it since I moved in last year. It needs a new kitchen, so that's what I'd change first.

4. Would you like to move to a different home in the future?


Yes, I'd definitely move again at some point if I could afford to. I'd like to live in the countryside, or maybe in a different city or country.

5. How is your apartment decorated?


I don't like lots of over the top decoration, so I guess you would describe it as minimalist. The walls are all white and the furniture is also either white or black. There are very few ornaments or pictures because again, I like to keep things quite minimal and I hate clutter.

6. Do you plan to live there for a long time?


I really like where I live but it is really far from where I work in the centre of town. It takes around 45 minutes to drive there by motorbike and in the hot season and wet season it can be really uncomfortable, so we will consider moving closer to the centre in a year or so.

7. Do you have a garden?


That's the best part of where we live, we have a huge garden. It takes around 40 minutes to walk around it. It has a few play parks for the kids, a number of gyms and four small lakes. We are really lucky to have it and I try to go for a walk around it every day, if I have time.

8. Are there many amenities?


Not really, because it is on the edge of town. If you want to go for a nice meal, use a swimming pool, go shopping or head out for a drink, you really have to drive for about 30 minutes. That's the major drawback, but if you are organised and buy everything when you are in the centre of town, it's not so bad.

雅思口语Part 2新题预测:爱冒险的人

爱冒险的人 Describe an adventurous person who you know.

You should say:

who the person is

how you know this person

what this person does that is adventurous

and explain why you think this person likes to take risks.

雅思口语Part 2范文:爱冒险的人



I think the most adventurous person I have ever known has to be my brother. It was in the last year of his Bachelors that he realized his flair for travelling. When everyone was looking for jobs, he decided to travel. Earning some money through freelancing he started travelling. It was in those travels that he picked up day jobs, to let him survive and let the journey going.

It was after one long year that I met him and the stories that he told were amazing. He went hitch hiking from Dehradun to Kanyakumari, taking with him an initial amount of only 1000 rupees. So, there were times when he took lifts, did jobs to let him earn some money and mixed with local people. In the entire journey he was able to learn the basic language for almost 5 languages and can now very well interact with us using those language. He made friends and there are people he goes to meet even now.

When I asked if he did any adventurous sports, he replied saying he did lived an adventurous life. And this was something that did strike me.

Knowing absolutely nothing about what can happen the next moment and then having the faith that everything will work out fine is something that he has learnt from this trip. Although he has taken up a job, but the adventure in him is still alive, the reason why he takes trips every six months.

雅思口语Part 2新题预测:向你道歉的人

Describe a person who has apologised to you.

You should say

Who this person is

When this happened

What this person said for apologising

and explain how you feel about the apology

雅思口语Part 2范文:Both Of Us



I’m going to talk about the person who used to say sorry to me. It was one of my flatmate in Australia, whose name is Merri. I can say, Merri is the very friend that I had when I just landed this country

Well, to begin the speech, I think I would like to mention when and how it occurred. Last Christmas, I got 2 film ticket vouchers for free from my teacher as an award after achieving high score in exam. Sort of fancy, you know. And the one to enter my head right straight away that I would invite to joy the time with me was definitely Merri. So the appointment was already set exactly on the Christmas day at two PM. I was so excited that I couldn’t wait until 2 so I decided to leave home soon and wandered around the city to shorten the time. As scheduled previously, Merri was supposed to show up at the theature at 1:30, she still didn’t. I gave her so many rings, but she didn’t pick up the phone. I hit the ceiling, I mean I was so furious.

A day later merri sent me a message in a very humble and sincere way that her mom was collided by a car and she had to take care of her mom at the hospital. Merri also explained that her phone was out of battery because of spending the whole day at the hospital without the phone charger so she couldn’t contact me.

Finally If I still have time I would like to talk about my feeling after receiving her apology. I felt very guilty for being too aggressive while knowing nothing about her situation. I also had a thought that I wasn’t her good friend indeed. I drew a lesson from this incident about judging someone. Anything happen with its own reason. Don’t jump to the conclusion or impose st on someone without knowing the cause”


Wander around 徘徊

Be supposed to 应该

Give someone a ring 给某人打电话

Hit the ceiling 撞到天花板

Collide something/somebody 碰撞的东西/人

Friend indeed 真朋友

Draw a lesson 画一个教训

Jump to the conclusion 跳的结论

Impose something on someone 的东西强加给别人

New words for person description 人的新词汇

Humble 卑微的

Sincere 真诚的

Aggressive 咄咄逼人的

Furious 愤怒的

Guilty 有罪

雅思口语Part 3

1. Is it important to say sorry?

“Yes, of course! Everyone makes mistakes that leads to a misunderstanding or even argument and it’s very important that you should say that you are sorry for what you have done for your and for others ‘sake. On the one hand it will help you to release bad feelings you’re definitely holding when you did something bad. On the other hand, saying sorry and showing that you’re sincere can bridge any gaps between you two, I believe that. If you didn’t say that, they would hold ill feelings for you in the future and you can even end up ruin a relationship”

2. What situations do people say sorry?

“Well, there are many situations that lead people to say sorry, when you do something wrong, you broke something, or simply just bump against or collide with each other on the bus, you know but the one that comes up quite often is when you accidentally hurt someone’s feelings. Then we really need to say that we are sorry for our thoughtlessness, as soon as possible”

3. Why do some people hate to say sorry?

“Well, admittedly, saying that you’re sorry to a person for what you have done, especially in serious situations, not the casual ones is really hard. It takes you courage to do that because everyone has their own self-esteem and no one wants to admit that they’re wrong, especially for those who are pigheaded and stubborn”

4. When will people say thank you?

“Well I believe that “Thank you” can be an incredibly powerful pair of words, especially if the person you’re thanking really needs to hear them, or isn’t expecting them. People often say thank you when they really appreciate something that you did for them, even if it’s something that you’re supposed to be doing anyway or even the simplest gestures in daily life. And saying thank you is as important as saying sorry because being appreciated is one of those things that really satisfies and motivates us so a little goes a long way if you can offer up a genuine thank you when it’s appropriated”

5. When was the last time you found it hard to accept an apology? “It’s when I and my friend we had a big fight and one thing leads to another, somehow she ended up insulting me and my family. I couldn’t accept her apology at all even though it seemed honest. I then still forgave her but our friendship can never be the same anymore. I feel sorry for that”


★ 雅思托福gre词汇量多少


