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SINCE 2008 geologists have been mulling over the idea of the Anthropocene, a proposed newepoch in the history of the Earth that would encompass the years in which people have hadprofound effects on the planet's workings.Most often, discussion of theAnthropocene revolves around how atmospheric chemistry has changed since the beginning ofthe industrial revolution.Sometimes the effects of new terrestrial ecosystems, in the form of fields, pastures andplantations, are also considered.To date, though, how the Anthropocene has created new ecosystems in the oceans as well ason land has not been much examined.


Such ecosystems are, nevertheless, emerging—as Tracy Mincer of the Woods HoleOceanographic Institution,in Massachusetts, and Linda Amaral-Zettler of the Marine Biological Laboratory, also in WoodsHole, describe in Environmental Science and Technology.The malign effect of floating plastic debris on seabirds, turtles and other sea creatures is wellknown.But, as Dr Mincer and Dr Amaral-Zettler have discovered, plastic debris also provides a newhabitat for organisms small enough to take advantage of it.


The two researchers collected pieces of plastic from various sites in the North Atlantic.They then examined each using DNA analysis, and also an electron microscope, to see whatwas living on it.Lots of things were.Altogether, they discovered about 50 species of single-celled plant, animal and bacterial life.Each bit of debris was, in effect, a tiny ecosystem.As with many ecosystems, the bottom of the food chain was occupied by things thatphotosynthesise.These included unicellular algae called diatoms and dinoflagellates, and photosynthetic bacteriaknown as cyanobacteria.


Usually, such creatures swim freely in the ocean.They therefore have to work hard to stay near the surface, where light for photosynthesis isabundant.By hitching a ride on a piece of floating plastic, they can stay near the surface without effort.Where plants abound, herbivores will not be far behind.These, Dr Mincer and Dr Amaral-Zettler found in the form of dinoflagellates,some of which liketo snack on smaller creatures to supplement their photosynthesis.They also found predators on the herbivores, in the form of ciliates and predator bacteria,which feed on other bacteria.


Except for top predators—the type that themselves prey on predators—the two researchersthus discovered a classic web of food chains of the sort familiar from ecology text books.And they also, and perhaps most pertinently from the human point of view, found evidence forone other part of such a food web: the decomposers.Plastics are energy-rich substances, which is why many of them burn so readily.Any organism that could unlock and use that energy would do well in the Anthropocene.Terrestrial bacteria and fungi which can manage this trick are already familiar to experts in thefield.


Dr Mincer and Dr Amaral-Zettler found evidence of them on their marine plastic, too.They noticed many of their pieces of debris sported surface pits around two microns across.Such pits are about the size of a bacterial cell. Closer examination showed that some of thesepits did, indeed, contain bacteria,and that in several cases these bacteria were dividing and thus, by the perverse arithmetic ofbiological terminology, multiplying.Though the two researchers have not yet proved the bugs in the pits are actually eating theplastic, that hypothesis seems a good bet.And if they are, it suggests plastic pollution in the ocean may not hang around as long as hasoften been feared.

明瑟及阿玛拉尔-特勒两位博士在海洋塑料上也发现了它们的踪迹。他们发现很多塑料碎片的运动表面周围有大约两微米的凹坑。凹坑与细菌一般大小。进一步的研究显示这些凹坑中的一部分确实含有细菌,在部分状况下细菌正在分 裂,因此根据生物学的反常计算其数量正在递增。尽管两位研究员至今未找到凹坑中的细菌是以塑料为食的证据,那个假说就好像是一场赌博。如果假说是正确的,这就意味着海洋塑料污染可能不如担心的那么持久。

Less encouragingly, Dr Mincer and Dr Amaral-Zettler also found cholera-like bacteria in theirtiny floating ecosystems.Both fish and seabirds act as vectors for cholera,so anywhere that such creatures might pick upcholera bugs is something worth keeping an eye on.The researchers paint an intriguing picture of the adaptability of nature, and provide anotherpiece of the jigsaw that is the Anthropocene.Conservationists intent on preserving charismatic megafauna have reason to lament thespread of plastics through the ocean.But those interested in smaller critters have been given a whole, new sphere—theplastisphere—to study.



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