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matching an antithetical couplet 对对联

solar calendar 阳历gregorian calendar 公历lunar calendar 阴历

the twenty-four solar terms 二十四节气

zodiac 十二生肖

rat 鼠ox 牛tiger 虎hare 兔

dragon 龙snake 蛇horse 马sheep 羊monkey 猴rooster 鸡dog 狗pig 猪

year of monkey 猴年

one’s year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches


traditional holidays 传统节日

Spring Festival 春节

pay a New Year visit 拜年

firecracker 鞭炮,爆竹

Eve of Chinese New Year 除夕

Spring couplets 春联

ring out the old year and ring in the new 辞旧迎新

Jiaozi, boiled dumpling 饺子

pot sticker 锅贴

temple fair 庙会

ring out the old year 鸣钟辞旧岁

(traditional) New Year pictures 年画

the Eve Feast; family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve 年夜饭

year-end household cleaning 年终大扫除

stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 守岁

family reunion dinner 团圆饭


lacquer painting 漆画lacquer ware 漆器celadon 青瓷色

two-sided embroidery 双面绣landscape/ink painting 水墨画Suzhou embroidery 苏绣sandalwood fan 檀香扇

trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 唐三彩

pottery 陶器

Ceramics 制陶业

the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study —a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper 文房四宝

inkslab engraving 砚刻

Yixing pottery 宜兴陶folding fan 折扇Wickerwork 枝编工艺tapestry 织锦,挂毯papier mache 纸工艺品Chinese painting 中国画folklores 民间传说fable 寓言

legend 传说

mythology 神话

God of Heaven 玉皇大帝

the Eight Immortals 八仙

Chang’e, the Chinese moon goddess 嫦娥

Fu Xi, God of Fishery and Husbandry 伏羲

god of fortune, god of prosperity, and god of longevity 福禄寿三星

god of fortune 财神

god of the kitchen 灶神

Gonggong, God of Water 公神

Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns) 后羿

Yellow Emperor 黄帝

Kuafu (a fabled sun-chasing giant ) 夸父Nuwa: a goddess who patches up the sky 女娲Pan Gu, creator of the universe 盘古

Patron of Agriculture 神农

Yu, the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty 禹

Zhurong, God of Fire 祝融

make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China 古为今用, 洋为中用

inscribe a poem 赋诗


falling tone 去声martial art 武术Kung fu 中国武术

styles or schools of martial art 武术门派

practice martial art for fitness 习武健身

ancient form of combat 古代格斗术

Chinese Martial Art Association 中国武术协会

top martial artist 武林高手

Qigong; deep breathing exercises 气功

judo 柔道

karate 空手道

tae kwon do 跆拳道boxing 拳击wrestling 摔跤

fencing 击剑

walk the earth (with a sword) 仗剑走天涯

tales of roving knights; kung fu novels 武侠小说

Chinese literature 中国文学

Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》

Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West 《西游记》

Dream of the Red Mansions 《红楼梦》

the Classic of Mountains an Rivers 《山海经》

History as a Mirror; Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers


the Romance of West Chamber 《西厢记》

Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin 《水浒传》

Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio; Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio


Fortress Besieged 《围城》

the True Story of Ah Q 《阿 Q 正传》

the Spring and Autumn Annals 《春秋》

Historical Records 《史记》

the Book of Songs; the Book of Odes 《诗经》

the Book of History 《书经》

I Ching; the Book of Changes 《易经》

the Book of Rites 《礼记》

Book of Filial Piety 《孝经》

three-character scripture; three-word chant 《三字经》

eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 八股文

five-character quatrain 五言绝句

seven-character octave 七言律诗

Chinese architecture 中国建筑

Quadrangle, the traditional Chinese single-story houses with rows of rooms around the four sides of a courtyard 四合院

(Mongolian) yurt 蒙古包

inscriptions on a tablet 碑刻,碑文,碑铭

the forest of steles, tablet forest 碑林

Taoist temple 道观

hall 殿

beacon tower 烽火台

drum tower 鼓楼

ornamental column 华表

corridor 回廊

altar 祭坛

rockery 假山

watchtower 角楼

corridor 廊

pailou, decorated archway 牌楼

bridge 桥

stone boat 石舫


anthropologist 人类学家

historian 历史学家

Tao, ”the way”, the principle of workings of the universe 道humaneness (also mean:humanity, benevolence, goodness, virtue) 仁the Four Books 四书

the Great Learning 《大学》

the Doctrine of the Mean 《中庸》

the Analects of Confucius 《论语》

the Mencius 《孟子》

five major styles of calligraphy 书法五大书体

seal script/seal character 篆书

official script/clerical script 隶书

running script/semi-cursive script 行书

cursive script 草书

regular script/standard script 楷书

traditional Chinese painting 中国画

Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting 水墨画

traditional Chinese realistic painting 工笔

six classical arts 六艺

rite 礼

music 乐

archery 射

riding 御

writing 书

arithmetic 数

the Art of War 孙子兵法

Chinese character 汉字

stroke (汉字)笔画

radical 偏旁部首

writing system 书写体系

Sino-Tibetan 汉藏语系

Sinologist/Sinologue 汉学家

Sinomania 中国热

of the same origin 同宗同源

the Chinese ancestors 华夏祖先

single syllable 单音节

Chinese language is “soberly logical” 汉语有“合理的逻辑性”

the four tones of Chinese characters 汉语四声调

level tone 阴平

rising tone 阳平

falling-rising tone 上声


