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雅思口语话题Part3范文:a time when you taught somebody to do something

参考范文:Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do something

1. What can young people teach old people? 年轻人能教给老年人什么?

Well, how to use and make most of new technology, first of all. I mean using a computer or a smartphone, which can be a problem for the old without somebody's help. What is more, I think the young can teach the elderly to try new things, have fun and enjoy the moment as this is what they do themselves all the time. I would also add to the list of lessons such things as being diverse, noticing and enjoying the little things, laughing every day and. of course, fulfilling dreams as all this can make twilight years pleasant and enjoyable.

2. Do you think anything can be learnt by studying hard? 你认为通过努力学习能学到什么吗?

Well, I would say more likely yes than no because our intelligence is not fixed but trained as all other muscles we have, and the more we struggle, the better results we get. On the other hand though, there are specific subjects that require innate skills or talent. The good news is that there are not many subjects like this. So, yeah, studying hard can help us master almost any skills, to my mind.

3. What kind of people are good at teaching? 什么样的人擅长教学?

Well, I guess, first of all, knowledgeable and competent as it's really important for a good teacher to be able to answer all students' questions accurately and lay a good foundation for mastering the subject. I also think people good at teaching are imaginative and innovative, I mean able to break monotony as well as get students excited to learn the subject and take lively participation in the class. What else? Oh, they are interactive, for sure, doing their best to develop students' creative self-expression communicative skills, and, of course motivating to spark students to use their knowledge whenever possible.

雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe an exciting book

雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe an exciting book

1. Do people read more nowadays? 现如今人们阅读量大吗?

Well, it's quite hard to say exactly but I guess not less for sure 'cause more people can afford to read nowadays thanks to e-books which have a low price. I can also say that more and more people feel some 'reading hunger', some of them for classical literature but most for professional and business books which help them bolster their networking, leadership and time-management skills. One more factor which makes me think that people read more these days is the fact that it's easy to pick reading material on the Internet from the Internet junk to worthy literature. So, present-day people definitely read more, to my mind.

2. Do you read before going to bed? 你睡前会看书吗?

Oh, yeah, almost daily except for those days when I am too tired to do anything before sleep. I guess reading enhances my sleep, it helps my mind separate my sleep time from the stresses of daily living, it relaxes me and lets me enjoy a higher quality of sleep throughout the night. What is more, if I read some light romantic literature before going to bed, I always set my mind for pleasant dreams and, as a result, have a great mood the following morning, which is wonderful.

1. How will e-books affect paper books? 电子书如何影响纸质书?

Well, more and more people will switch to screens in the coming years, I guess, but I don't think paper books will disappear entirely. Print will exist, but it will be in a different realm and will appeal to a very limited audience. I don't think that printed books will eventually join the ranks of clay tablets, scrolls and typewritten pages but it may well be that one day there will come a point when print just doesn't make a lot of sense. That's it.

2. What's the difference between films and books? 电影和图书有何不同?

Well, first of all, books give in-depth understanding of characters and plot while movies are more a kind of summary of books. What is more, while reading a book we pay attention to every line, imagine how things are going and create the scenes in our heads in fine detail. When it comes to movies we just see everything as it is without giving our imagination a chance to fill our heads with amazing pictures which usually far exceed the visual effects displayed in movies. And the last difference I should mention is the fact that watching a is quite quick while reading a book is d lengthy process which makes us even more involved in the plot and extends our pleasure.

雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe a polite person that you met

参考范文:Describe a polite person that you met

1. Do young and old people have the same attitude towards politeness? 年轻人和老年人都表现得礼貌吗?

Well, I wouldn't say they do. Unfortunately, many young people nowadays are quite surly, rude and disrespectful. A lot of them lack morals and values. I think that the main reason for that is the fact that they are more stressed and, as a result, more likely to run out of patience. What is more, young people are more self-absorbed the days. They take criticism too far and use it as a weapon to devalue others. As far as old people are concerned, they are usually well-mannered and helpful. I think it's because their parents placed lot of value on teaching them correct behavior when they were young. They care about feelings of others and are always respectful both to people they, know well and strangers. So, there is no doubt that the young and the old treat politeness differently.

2. Are people today as polite as people were in the past? 人们和过去一样有礼貌吗?

Well, I would say it depends on the age of people. Nowadays young people are definitely more surly, rude and disrespectful than their peers a co decades ago. It's mainly because of stressful lifestyle they have these days which leads to the fact that they run out of patience and snap. It can also be connected with their self-absorption. They care only about themselves and their feelings often taking criticism too far and using it as a weapon to devalue others. In the meantime, old people are as polite as they were when they were young. They have the same good manners as in the past and always, respect to people around.

3. Are people more polite with non-family members than they are with their parents? 人们对非家庭成员比家庭成员更礼貌吗?

Unfortunately, yes. I guess it's because they know their family members will love them no matter what. People often take their parents and significant others for granted not always caring about their feelings and at times being very disrespectful to them. They feel that they can behave the way they want with their close people being sure they will forgive them even after showing bald rudeness in communication with them. However, people always try to be polite with strangers either because they just want to be liked by them or because they need to get something from them.

4. Do you think politeness is different in different countries and parts of the world? 你认为不同国家的礼貌的方式是不同的吗?

Oh, yeah, customs and etiquette differ from one culture to another. Each country has its own specific customs and politeness rules. What may be perfectly, innocuous in one place may be hideously offensive in another and, vice versa, something that sounds rude in one country may be the most polite thing to do in another. So, yeah, politeness rules vary in different parts of the world making a person with a certain type of behaviour either polite or not.

5. How do people show politeness in your country? 你们国家的人是如何表达礼貌的?

Well, people in my country usually greet each other with a warm handshake and ready smile. They try to stick to neutral topics of conversation with others keeping their voice low and quiet. When visiting other people they usually bring gifts such as chocolate or flowers, which shows their respect to the hosts. They also try to be punctual coming to meetings and appointments on time. To show politeness my fellow-countrymen often say 'please' and 'thank you', avoid taking too much eye contact and maintain a respectable distance. They also do their best to ensure proper table manners, for example, never speak when their mouth is full and never blow their nose at the dining table.

6. Are there any differences between urban and rural people concerning politeness? 农村和城市的人对礼貌的关注有什么不同?

Oh, yeah, definitely there are some. I think that people in densely populated cities are more rude either by nature or simply because they don't have time to be overly friendly and polite to everyone. Their pace of life makes them go ahead giving them time to care only about themselves and their closest people. At the same time people in rural areas are more polite 'cause they do not live under such pressure. What is more, everyone in villages and small towns knows everyone else, which makes them polite to each other.

雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe an occasion that you arrive early

参考范文:Describe an occasion that you arrive early

1. On what occasions should people come early? 在什么情况下人们应该早到?

Well, I think on all occasions that are important for them and in all situations when they want to signal that they value and appreciate other people. I mean such occasions as exams, job interviews, business meetings, to name but a few. It's also important to arrive early when people want to show others they are reliable and trustworthy, so can easily be counted on. Oh, and, of course, people should come early when they want to get the best seat or choose the ideal location for optimal learning and interaction peers as well as when they need e. time to think about what they will cover in the meeting or check if everything well-organized.

1. How do people manage their time? 人们如何管理他们的时间?

Well, a lot of people do it by planning out their time and resources doing their best not to waste them on the wrong things. Some people have a habit to make up their plans for a day, a week, a month and even a year integrating things they have to do into to-do lists and tracking their progress at least 2 or 3 times a day. What is more, to save time people often break their tasks into many little steps that can be taken in the shortest span of time, prioritizing tasks and projects based on their level of criticality and focusing on one part of the task time.

2. Is it important to manage your time efficiently? 高效管理时间很重要吗?

Oh, I am sure it is. Unfortunately, time is limited, there are only 24 hours in a day and no one can store or save time for later use. Efficient time management will help you to accomplish more with less effort and eliminate the pressure that comes from feeling like you don't have enough time. It will also put you in line for advancement opportunities improving your decision-making ability and helping make conscious choices, which will let you become more successful in your studies and career. So, no doubt, effective time management is very important.


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