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最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:a piece of furniture in your home

示例范文:Describe a piece of furniture in your home

1. In what situations do people in your country buy furniture? 在你的国家,在什么情况下人们会买家具?

Well, it depends on people, to my mind. Usually my fellow-countrymen do it when they change or remodel their home, when their furniture gets worn out or when they have a new baby or a growing child. Though, I am sure there are people in my country who buy furniture in other situations as well. For example, when their income increases, when they look for personal comfort and need additional furniture or when they just want changes. I also guess there can be a need to buy furniture when children move out or elderly parents move in.

2. In families in your country, who usually decides what furniture to buy for the home? 在你的国家,为家中添置家具由谁决定?

Well, in most cases men and women make this decision together as it's common for women to initiate changes and take on the most responsibility in choosing furniture and other stuff for home but it's the men who usually set the budget and who the final word rests with. Though, there are families in which furnishing a home is a field where men yield to women as they get scared when hearing the word 'decorating’. I also think there are families in which home makeovers are a man's responsibility. So, it could go either way.

3. How do people decide what furniture to buy for the home or office? 人们如何决定为房子或办公室买什么样的家具?

Oh, I think two most important factors people consider when choosing anything including furniture are the cost and the quality. Furniture is a significant investment so it's necessary to spend wisely. This also explains why the quality is important. Good-quality furniture lasts longer and provides great savings in the long term because it withstands the wear and tear a lot better than the cheaply made models. What is more, it creates comfort and adds to people's wellbeing. In some cases people also pay attention to some additional factors like flexibility and functionality, the aesthetic value and the size of their home or office but still bearing the budget and the quality in mind.

4. Do people in your country prefer traditional or modern styles of furniture? 在你的国家,人们更喜欢传统风格还是现代风格的家具?

Well, I think there is no consensus on this question. Tastes differ and people's choice usually depends on what they like and need. If they want to create a traditional atmosphere and add elegance, romance and a touch of royalty to their home, they definitely opt for traditional furniture which is designed to be long-lasting and durable and has a look that never goes out of style. But if they want a fresher look in their home and look for furniture that focuses simplicity and function as well as b nicely into a room without overpowering the entire space, they definitely look among modern styles. So it depends on people's tastes and needs, to my mind.

最新雅思口语题库话题答案Part3:a person who solved a problem in a clever way

示例范文:Describe a person who solved a problem in a clever way

1. Do you think the intelligence of a person is important? 你认为一个人的智商重要吗?

Oh yeah, I would even say it's vital for living a happy and successful life as it is intelligence that makes people flexible and adaptable, which lets them thrive in different settings. It also makes people's lives more diverse as thanks to it people become open to new ideas and opportunities and get the ability to see various ways of solving a problem, which in turn gays off in terms of income and professional success. One more benefit of being intelligent is being attractive for other intelligent people, which results in expanding the social network and range of interests, and again adds to feeling happy and content with life.

2. Are people born clever or need to learn to be clever? 人是天生聪明还是需要学着变聪明?

Well, I believe the latter is true as I am sure that intelligence is largely based on people's upbringing rather than inherited traits. There is no doubt that children are born with some genetic predispositions but the brain is a physical organ, and like other organs and muscles in the body it can be trained to be fitter and more efficient, which proves that intelligence is something malleable that changes over time and can grow especially through hard work and constant practice.

3. Do you think there is anything that intelligent people find difficult to do? 你认为聪明的人会遇到哪些困难?

I don't think there is something that can become a real obstacle for smart people if they are really interested in doing it and ready to work hard and have constant practice. Intelligent people usually like challenges and difficulties as they let them push the limits of their brain, concentrate on the knowledge they lack and do their best to bridge the skills gag, which, as a result, makes them better, stronger and more satisfied with life. These are the main reasons why I there is nothing that can't be done achieved by thrilled clever people.

4. What ways do people use to judge someone's intelligence? 人们从哪些方面评判一个人的智商?

Well, intelligence can be measured in a number of different ways, as I know, the most common of which is various 1Q tests. I also heard about psychometric and aptitude tests focusing on the abilities required for a specific job and mainly used in higher education, recruitment and career-counselling. As far as methods used in everyday communication are concerned, I would name discussions on different topics and informal inferences or intuitive judgments which are usually made people even after short interaction

最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:a time you received something but not pay it

示例范文:Describe a time you received something but not pay it

1. Do you like giving gifts? 你喜欢礼物吗?

Oh, yes, I really enjoy gift-giving because it is a perfect way to strengthen bonds with others showing interest and appreciation, expressing gratitude or apology and just letting other people know that I care. I like to bring joy and pleasure to people raising a smile on their faces and fulfilling their small dreams. Even a little present can cheer a person up because it is love and care that matter but not the present itself.

2. What gifts would parents give to children? 父母会给孩子哪些礼物?

Well, I guess it, first of all, depends on the gender of a child and their preferences and needs. As far as I know, boys adore gadgets like smartphones and tablets, tech toys like different kinds of robots and, of course, radio controlled toys which are a great deal of fun to play with. They also enjoy getting toy cars, building and construction sets, different ride-ons and board games as presents. However, girls give more preference to something more creative and intimate like arts and crafts kits, collectible and plush toys as well as something, emphasizing their femininity like clothes, accessories and beauty gift sets. So, I guess parents would choose something from the list of gifts I mentioned.

3. What factors do parents consider when choosing a gift for children? 父母在给孩子选礼物的时候会考虑哪些因素?

Well, to my mind, the first factor parents take into account is the occasion. Keeping it in mind, they then set the budget and get to the next important factor which is the needs of their child. Thinking about the needs of the kid parents also think about their kids' likes and dislikes, their interests at that specific period of time, their habits and, of course, their dreams. Considering all of them, parents make their final choice usually balancing between what a child really wants and needs. I guess it happens this way, at least in the families with kids that I know.

最新雅思口语Part3话题参考答案:experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone

示例范文:Describe an experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone

1. Do young and old people use phones in the same way? 年轻人和老人使用手机的方式一样吗?

Oh, definitely no. Seniors generally lag behind their younger counterparts especially when it comes to using mobile phones. The only pattern they share is voice calling. In other patterns old people are usually second to the young. Teens and young adults are more enthusiastic users of cellphones. They are also bigger users of text messaging. I guess the young send and receive at least five times more messages a day than older people. Younger adults tend to use their phones for multimedia content, for taking pictures or video, for accessing internet. They are also more likely to turn to their phones to avoid others around them to fight boredom. All this is still strange for the old.

2. What are the differences between writing a letter and writing a text message on a cell phone? 写信和手机发短信有什么不同?

Oh, there are quite a few of differences, actually. First of all, writing a text message is faster than writing a letter 'cause text messages are generally much shorter. Secondly, messages are instant while letters can take weeks to be delivered, which makes communication more complicated. On the other hand, it is more personal to write by hand as it adds a human touch to the relationship. Handwritten letters always convey greater effort and greater care taken, let recipients know that they are important for somebody.

3. Many people think mobile phones can be annoying at times. Can you give any examples of that? 许多人认为手机很烦人。你能举一些例子吗?

Well, one of the examples when I get annoyed with a mobile phone is when the phone ring interrupts an important conversation or distracts my attention from what I really need to do at the moment. Another annoying case is when people talk loudly on their phones on public transport. Such phone conversations grab my attention and don't let me relax or focus on my thoughts, which I dislike. I can also irritated when people around play music loudly on a phone 'cause it shows their disrespect to others, which I don't consider appropriate. These are the main situations I don't like to get in.


