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  J: Did you see the picture of the guy on the front page of the newspaper this morning?

  M: No, I haven’t had a chance to read the paper yet.

  J: You’ve got to see it. It’s an unbelievable picture!

  M: What’s so interesting about it?

  J: well, this guy fell asleep on the sofa and when he woke up, half of his face had been bitten off!

  M: what! How did that happen?

  J: they think his dog was trying to wake him up and couldn’t, so ended up biting him in his face.

  M: wow. What does his face look like now?

  J: it looks pretty frightening. He doesn’t have any lips, so all you can see are his gums and teeth. Most of his nose and chin are missing too.

  M: what did he look like before his dog bit his face off?

  J: he was actually quite handsome. What a shame.

  M: what’s he going to do?

  J: it said that he’s hoping to get a face transplant, but until then, he’s looking forward to Halloween so he isn’t the only one wearing a mask.

  J: 你看到今天早上报纸头版登的那个人的照片了吗?

  M: 没有。我还没有机会看报纸呢。

  J: 你应该看看。真是张令人难以置信的照片。

  M: 有什么特别的地方?

  J: 嗯,这个人在沙发上睡着了,醒来之后发现自己半边都被吃了。

  M: 什么?这是怎么回事啊?

  J: 大家认为是他的狗想叫他起床,但是没叫醒,最后只好咬他的脸了。

  M: 哇。那他的脸现在是什么样子啊?

  J: 看起来非常恐怖。他的嘴唇都没了,你能直接看到他的牙齿和牙龈。大部分的鼻子和下巴都没了。

  M: 被狗咬掉脸之前他长得怎么样?

  J: 其实挺帅的。真是太遗憾了。

  M: 那他现在打算怎么办?

  J: 据说他希望能做个面部的移植手术,但在那之前,他最盼望过万圣节。这样,他就不是唯一一个戴面具的人了。


